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The school was nothing but boring and scary. Just because I had many classes with professor Snape. I hate it. Even though he's very clever. 

I could see that I was his favourite student. When he talks to me, it'll be like a normal conversation. Not harsh. No pressure. 

But with the others, he uses his cold tone. The tone that we'll know too well and didn't dare to not follow what he instructed. 

Some girls from the classes got jealous or mad. Saying that I have casted a spell on him. I laughed it off. Even if I did, he could undo it any time after that. 

My friends kept on being away from me. They were hiding something. I know it. I could just feel it. 

They were being so secretive all of the sudden. They wouldn't even want to hang out with me. So, if you wanna know. This week has been sad and unexpected. 

They were being a bit mean too. I remember one time when they raised their voices to me when I asked if I could hang out with them. 

I felt lonely at that time. The feeling that I thought would never happen to me. But it did.

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