Potion Class

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"Hey y/n." Fred said as I sat next to him. "Hey." "Where were you at breakfast?" He asked. 

"Oh sorry. I sat at the Slytherin table." I spoke. He sighed. "It's fine." "Such a softie." I mumbled. 

"Excuse me?" He spoke. I laughed. "Don't worry, I'll sit with you at lunch." I said. "You better." He spoke as I laughed. 

"Good morning class. Today, we'll be learning about this potion. Could anyone tell me what it is?" Professor asked. "It's amortentia sir." I spoke. "Well done. 10 for Gryffindor." The professor spoke. 

"Now, amortentia is used for smelling what you are interested in. But, since there's only one, you guys have to make your own." Professor spoke. "Great. I'll blow this whole class." I said. "No you won't y/n. You better not." Professor said as the whole class laughed. 

"Okay. So we got ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, powdered moonstone, pearl dust and...rose petals? We need rose petals!" I exclaimed. "Fred, go out and get a rose for me pls." I ordered him. "Sure m'lady." He said as he bowed a bit. I laughed. 

He headed out. "Where are you going?" Professor stopped him. "He's going to take a rose from outside for the potion." I shouted across the class. "Oh well off you go." Professor said, pushing Fred outside. I laughed.

"A special rose for a special girl." Fred said as he was holding a bunch of roses. 

I giggled. "Fred, I told you to only get a single rose." I said. "I know, so here's for the potion," He said, handing me a rose. "And here's for you." He took the other roses and handed them to me. 

"Oh thank you." I said, using polite manners then laughed. "You're not good at it." Fred spoke. "Yup." I agreed. 

"Okay now we gotta mix everything." I spoke. "Okay, let me just put them all in." Fred said as he took all the ingredients, ready to throw them in. But I stopped him. "Fred!" I exclaimed. 

"What?" He asked. "What are you doing?" I asked. "...Mixing them together, what do you think?" He replied. "Yes but have you read the instructions?" I asked. "Ooh yes I did." He responded. But clearly he was lying. 

"Ahah, okay then. How many rose petals do we have to add?" I asked. "Umm uhh umm…" He stuttered. 

"I see, clearly you already read the instructions." I spoke. "Let me see the instructions." Fred spoke as I put the instructions in front of us. 

"Let's see, 2 ashwinder eggs…" I said, cracking the eggs. "5 rose thorns." I said, putting them in. "Peppermint…" I said, looking around for the peppermint. 

I snacthed it from Fred. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked. "Well I was about to eat this delicious candy, so give it back." He spoke. "No, we need it for the potion." I said, mixing it with the other ingredients. 

"But that's the last one." He spoke. "I know, that's why I used it." I blurted. 

"You're mean." He whined as he crossed his arms. I laughed it off. 

"Now, powdered moonstone…" I said, putting it a bit. "Pearl dust…Where is it?" I said, looking around for it. 

"Oh so this is pearl dust." Fred said as he held it high while smirking. "I'll murder you soon." I mumbled. He chuckled. "Well at least try to get this first." He said. I looked at him. 

"You're crazy. I'm not that tall." I spoke. "Ooo didn't notice." He said as I hit his arm. I tippy toes to try and reach the pearl dust, but it's no use. So I climbed on the chair instead. 

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Getting the pearl dust." I said as I was now on the chair. "Huh look who's tall now." I spoke as I grabbed the pearl dust. "Oh you little…" "Y/n, what the hell are you doing?" Professor cut Fred. I looked at him. 

"Oh um, Fred's too tall." I spoke. Fred looked at me, giving me a are-you-kidding face. "So you climbed on the chair to be taller?" Professor asked. I giggled. 

"Oh yes, smart professor, you know me too well." I spoke. Receiving giggles from the class. "Well I guess it makes sense, get back to work students." Professor said as I climbed down and poured the pearl dust with other ingredients. 

"Very nice excuse to believe." Fred spoke. "Well I was in a rush." I spoke, peeling the rose petals one by one. "I don't know how he can believe it." He said, laughing. I giggled. 

"Me too." I said as I threw the rose petals in. 

I put my hand on the table to take a rest for a while. But something below my hand moves. I froze, I looked at what's beneath me. It was Fred's hand. "You could've told me that you want to hold my hand." He said, smirking while intertwining our hands. I tried to let go but his grip was firmed. 

"Don't deny it y/n." He spoke. I laughed. "I'm not denying anything. I didn't know your hand was beneath mine." I said. 

"Uhuh, like I'm gonna believe it." He spoke. I shook my head, laughing. I mean, Fred is Fred. 

"Okay then, since I've done most of the work while you were minding your own business, and now my hand is glued to yours. You should continue next. I'm taking a break." I spoke, sitting down on my chair. "Fine with me." He said as he took a wooden spoon to mix the ingredients. 

He was following the instructions, going here and there, and my hand was still attached to his. 

"You know you can let go right?" I asked, referring to our hands. "Nope, I'm good." He replied. 

"But you're dragging my hand everywhere." I spoke. My hand was moving around. "Shh, I'm trying to focus." He said in a serious tone, but I laughed. "Okay, do your thing." I said as I was still on the chair, watching everything that he was doing. 

"Do you have to look at me all the time?" He asked. "Oh then, what am I supposed to see then? A wall?" I asked. "Yes, you should do that. You're making me not focus." He said. 

I giggled. "Nope." I said as I kept on looking at him. He sighed, frustrated. I laughed. "I'm annoyed aren't I?" I asked, giggling. 

"Yes, very much." He replied as I giggled more. 

I raised my hand. "Yes y/n? Warning me that you'll blow up this class any minute now?" Professor said, the whole class and I laughed. "No. We're done." I spoke. "Oh delightful." He said as he walked to our table. 

"Hmm, well done. It's perfect." Professor spoke. "Now what?" Fred asked. "Could you wait for my instruction?" Professor snapped. I laughed.

"Anyways, now tell me, what do you smell?" Professor asked. "Umm, ohmygosh, it's cinnamon!" I said, I thought Fred was wearing his perfume. 

"Y/n's perfume." Fred said. I look at him. "My perfume? I didn't wear any today." I spoke. 

"So did I. How come? This is clearly your perfume. It smells exactly like it." He said. 

"Remember you both, you smell what you are interested in." Professor cut us both. We looked at each other. "Oh.my.gosh." I exclaimed. 

"No no no, it could be as best friends right?" Fred asked. "Yes, but mostly it's not." Professor said as he walked away. 

"50 points for Gryffindor." Professor shouted from his seat. I hugged Fred. "We're cool." I said. "So cool." He added as I laughed. 

We totally forgot about what just happened earlier. 

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