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I yawned and turned to my side. I cuddled with my pillow more. Hey...this doesn't feel like my pillow...

My pillow is always warm and smells like nothing. This pillow smells good. I frowned a little and shoved the pillow away. I pushed myself up to the cold wall.

Wait...why isn't the wall bumpy? It's not supposed to be smooth!? That's it. I snapped my eyes open. Someone explain why the fuck the walls are white?!

Why aren't my blankets pink and fluffy?! Where did my tiny twin-sized bed go?! Why am I laying in a king-sized bed?! I quickly sat up.

This isn't my room! WHERE AM I?!

I shot out of bed. What the fuck?! I snapped my head around the room. This was not my bedroom. Did I get kidnapped?!

Hold on...I recognize that desk...and the bed. I've seen this somewhere. What in the déjà vu shit is going on?!

Wait...wait a damn minute...did i- did I shift? Nawwwwww! There's no way I shifted. I didn't even try tonight. Or- last night?

But can't you shift even if don't try? Did I unintentionally shift? Shut the fuck up. SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR SHUT!

I ran to 'my' vanity. I bent down and looked in the mirror. "HOLY SHIT!"


The person looking back at me wasn't me...it was my DR self! I did shift! I did fucking shift!

My heartfelt like it was about to explode. That exciting feeling in your gut when the rollercoaster is going down. That's what I'm feeling right now. That's the exact feeling I'm feeling at the moment.

After two years of trying, I finally did it! I finally came where I belonged! I laughed as I smiled from ear to ear. I'm literally going to cry!

I'm perfect! I'm so pretty! My body is beautiful, my smile is breathtaking, and my laugh is adorable! I actually made it!

I jumped up and down and squealed, happy tears falling from my eyes. I circled my dream bedroom. It was perfect. Just how I scripted it, but even better! I explored my own bedroom, starting at my desk.

I smelled the candle next to me. It smelled super nice. Like a nice natural scent. The kind that you don't wanna stop smelling. The kind where you want to eat the scent.

I opened the notebook that the candle sat on. It was my school notes. Goddamn, my handwriting is so pretty!

I grabbed a pencil from a pencil cup and flipped to the next empty page. I started writing.

I can't believe I fucking shifted.
This is the best day of my life!
I can't express how happy I am right now:))

My handwriting is perfect, even as I set the pencil down and write on my own! I explored the rest of my desk. Like the white pinboard above it.

I looked through some paintings and drawings in a paper holder. Wow. These were so good. There were five altogether. The first one I saw was of a pretty simple flower.

It was so simple but so clean and pretty. Like those drawings you see on Pinterest. Except, I made this. Me!

The second was a painting. Of a beautiful flower field. The flowers were light purple and yellow. The grass was so realistic in an artsy way. The sky and clouds looked the same way. And a bit afar you could see a small cottage of bricks. It looked like a fantasy. So beautiful.

Because Darling, It's Just Begun ➪ 𝒂𝒐𝒖𝒂𝒅Where stories live. Discover now