Chapter 24

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I read aloud the message to Adam.

"If a person you drew with the pencil is someone you wish to live on this earth for a long period of time, give them this drink and it will fulfill your wish of life forever..." 

Our eyes were locked to each other again, but our faces were in pure shock. 

"Is that some potion?" Adam's face widened.

"Well, it says 'From the mysterious librarian', and you got the book from that same library, didn't you?"

"Yeah.. but- look! What I found at the bottom of the box." He handed over a ripped looking page to me. As I looked at it, my eyes gouged outward. "

This is the last page of the book!" I said in realization.

I then began to read out the page:

"If wishing to let your drawing be permanent, a potion that is to be found by someone can have the permission for the drawing to absorb the potion for better life."

I smiled with big teeth in thankfulness. I then quickly shoved the potion to Adam. 

"You need to drink it." I said.

"For me..?"

I nodded very surely. He stood up as I followed with him. He looked at me, giving a 'cheers' gesture to me, and began to chug the whole of the liquid potion. 

I could see the sunset's reflection on the glass jar, beaming into my eyes like a magic scene. After about a few seconds, I noticed as the jar was completely downed. I grew a smile.

He can finally live permanently.. I thought as our eye contact was locked.


When we went back to school together, we did manage to perform our choreo together at the last assembly of the term. 

After two weeks, a prom had been officially announced to be held on the third last day of the week until we get our school break back.

"So, what are you gonna wear for the prom?" Monica skipped along my side.

"I don't know."

Her hand slipped in her pocket to pull our her phone, as she began to swiftly type 'prom dress stores near me'. 

I browsed over her shoulder, her finger kept swiping and clicking through websites. Once she clicked onto one of the websites, her eyes rounded back to me. 

"I know! This place! You should get your dress in this place. It's highly rated and is one of the top tier places in town." She said excitingly.

I shrugged my shoulders and resumed with our old conversation. But thinking that I was getting out of it, her arms immediately pulled me to that exact place at the after school bell.

We searched through every aisle. Monica was more focused on these dresses one by one, but I was the more disinterested one.

"Do you like this one?" She pointed to a dress. I declined quite hesistant, but she quickly moved on to the next one.

After exploring through the entirety of the dresses, her eyes caught a particular dress.

"Y/n! Try this one on!" 

She gasped, showing the dress to me. I shrugged again, accepting her command.

I did grab a few other outfits before running to the changing rooms. Monica also tried some on herself, but not until I picked my chosen one. It took a few tries to get her approval of which dress, but her head repeatedly shook, unsure.

When I reached to my last dress, Monica's expression was the opposite. "Woah.. that actually looks great on you!" 

She complimented politely. "Adam and Travis are totally gonna fall for you over that!" She squealed with joy.

My faced kinda blushed with flatter. I finally agreed to her comment and decided to purchase this dress. It was then my turn to see what me and Monica can approve for her prom dress.

She revealed her first dress, to my surprise, she actually fell in love with as soon as she changed into it.

"Do you like it? I personally fell in love with this." She twirled. 

I giggled and pursued to give a thumbs up. As we got into our regular clothes, we then proceeded to happily purchase our chosen dresses.

We walked to the bus stop with our big bags until we parted from each other. I was honestly quite pleased my bought dress. It's the first dress I'm actually feeling good about wearing and buying.

Time skip to the prom night. . .

My mum dropped me off at the perfect time of the night to get to the school. It was already filling with dressed up students to which I could see from a long distance away. 

After my mother drove off, I noticed as Monica coincidentally arrived in her vehicle.

Her outfit was amazing as imaginable. Even though I already caught a glimpse of her in the exact same dress from the other day. She happy-self rushed over to me with her dress fluttering.

"Hey, y/n!"

"Hey, Monica!" I replied as excited as she was. She jumped into my arms in a wide and squeezy hug. My eyes looked up and down, feeling as good as I did in the dress shop. 

"Your dress really suits you" I commented happily.

"Thanks" She laughed. "Yours is really good as well."

I looked down at my dress, feeling good from her compliment.

"Thank you. I just hope Adam and Travis make it in time."

Once we patiently waited for Travis and Adam, we caught a sight of a big black car that had quite the shimmering style. 

Adam stayed over at Travis' place for those few nights since they also wanted to see the surprise of our dresses themselves, as it is for us when we see them.

We immediately spotted Travis stepping out of the car, and then Adam as he followed. Their sudden arrival made all the girls flail over them with their high pitched fan-girly screams.

Me and Monica stood in our location as the boys then walked over to us. I could visibly see Adam's eyes kept a lock on my appearance. Travis did as well, but he also seemed as happy to see Monica and me.

"You two are both stunning tonight" Travis smiled. Me and Monica thanked his sweet expression.

Adam was still gazing at me, with his mouth slightly hung open. I chuckled lightly, feeling a bit awkward but flustered. "We shall go inside and have our light snack" 

Travis then swung his arm around Adam, rotating him around as they walked over to the hall. He must've caught Adam's attention on me so he evidently tried to switch him around without getting too comfortable at looking at me.

Me and Monica followed their steps as she lightly jabbed my arm. "Aw, they're gaining their attraction on you. I'm kinda jealous."

She teased. I smiled, feeling a bit nervous for the hours of this prom night, but I was more hopeful.

Before I stepped in the building, Adam turned over to me with his hand open. 

"My lady..?" 

I estimated that he wanted to hold my hand, so I lightly placed my hand into his with a gently smile..

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