Robin's arc: Robots

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The robot looked at us grinning, almost human-like

Robot: Time to come back now, Robin! Suddenly it secreted a sleeping gas, knocking us both out

Damin: What did you get me into... he said just before we both went out like a light

I woke up inside of a dusty old room there were plans for a robot on the wall,

Robin: Project Echo... is that the robot's name? Echo? I looked up and the robot was looking at me, pleased with itself

Echo: bzzt! It was almost like the robot got a call from their boss They are here. Damin glared at me. What do you mean there was only one? They both looked the same to me! I giggled to myself. Robots were so dumb. After that the robot was silent.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice

???: Robin! Why did you leave? My mother. Was she the one who sent this robot? Beside her there was a man who looked vaguely similar to her

???: I haven't seen you in so long. Are you okay? Damin turned his head in response

Robin: Did... Did you bring us here?

Echo: Of course they didn't, I did

Damin: But who do you work for.

Mae's mum: she shook her head No we were given a hint from a little friend of yours

Robin: No...

Mae's mum: It's true

Damin: I'm feeling really out of the loop. Who are you talking about?

Robin: A person came through the door Lita.

The parents left the room as she came in

Lita: it's so great to finally see you again Robin! She hugged me while I was still tied to a chair

Robin: Why are we tied to chairs

Lita: Well you see my robot, Echo, isn't very smart. She even grabbed two of you.

Damin: If I'm not needed can I go now?

Lita: Well you're here now so.... Damin be angry

Robin: Why would you do this?

Lita: Well when you disappeared all I had were my robots to keep me company, it was horrible, so I decided to look for you. Of course I couldn't do it alone I got your mum to help me. Your friends dad I called at the last second so that he could finish what he started.

Robin: I lent over to Damin and whispered What is she talking about?

Damin: he sighed and whispered back if we can get out of this mess then I will tell you... but first we need to get back the portal guns

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