Aaron's arc: Embers falling

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Finally after so many years of living in that... wasteland we moved back to what was apparently my real universe me and Damin had done many things together since I got back it was nice to be able to do something with someone not my mum and one day something happened when we were out

Schoolmate: Hey Aaron are you going anywhere?

Schoolmate 2: Remember he said his brother was going to pick him up

They snickered at me, thinking that my brother was made up, I looked at the ground in annoyance

Aaron: Come on Damin where are you

???: Hey Aaron I jumped in surprise, my brother laughed at me

Aaron: Don't do that I could feel the stares burning into me

Damin: Okay okay I'm sorry. You ready to go?

I nodded, this universe never really did feel like it was mine anyways, but then again, neither did ∞V

Aaron: So where to today?

Damin: Universe 2A

Aaron: aw again?

Some people were staring, we looked like crazy people, especially my brother

Damin: It's only quick, we can go somewhere else afterwards I just need to go to 2A first

Aaron: okay fine

We left quickly for universe 2A, I didn't really understand why he wanted to go there so much.

Universe 2A looked about the same to 2B, even still they were both incredibly different to ∞V.

Damin: Hey Aaron can you wait here for a second?

Aaron: What for?

Damin: I just need to get something nearby

Aaron: And you don't want me to know what it is?

Damin: Just, not right now

Aaron: As long as you tell me eventually

I watched my brother teleport away, probably so that I couldn't follow him. I'd probably get lost even if I tried to anyways

I walked around for a bit, it got boring fast. I sat down by a tree, closing my eyes for half a second.

???: Hi!

I sat upright. There in front of me was a girl. Half of her hair was black, the other half was lavender. She also had two horns that resembled a deer's.

Aaron: Um hi?

???: Are you new around here?

Aaron: Oh no I'm just passing through

???: So you're a traveller?

Aaron: I shrugged I guess? I mean it's the school holidays so I have more time to.

???: but why would you even pass through here? It's so boring

Aaron: I shrugged again Can you answer something for me? What is your name?

???: huh?

Aaron: Your name

Ember: Oh it's Ember, now that you know mine you are obligated to tell me yours she smiled

Aaron: Aaron

Ember: So Aaron... I found a cool book. Would you like to see?

Aaron: I was curious what kind of book

Ember: A book of magic of course!

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