Damin's arc: Meeting

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Niko: So are you actually going to stay?

Niko had come along with me for a walk, it was always so boring, it was nice to have someone

Damin: well I don't want to but my mum told me to

Niko: I thought something happened to her?

Damin: She just disappeared, that's all. I quietened Disappeared so they she could take care of another kid instead

Niko: Wait really? I nodded wow. Your family seems crazy to me.

Damin: Well I guess you can't expect much when two scientists think they like each other.

We walked further into the woods, it was nice, away from society, I didn't know if Niko felt the same though.

Damin: what am I going to do though? The only way that I can get out of this is if I get fired.

Niko: Well... you could say that you got fired and then figure something out after

Damin: You mean lie?

Niko: Seriously, how did you last four years on your own?

Damin: Sometimes I ask that myself.

Niko: You need to think of what you want to do. Not what your parents like you to do

Damin: Why do I feel like I have heard that before... I stopped, someone was where I usually went, I know that many people live around here. But I hadn't seen anyone in this area for days.

???: they looked over at us and immediately got up Oh sorry.

Niko: Wait. Mirin?! I looked at the person, he was wearing a hood which hid his face in shadows depending on where he stood.

Mirin: Shh! You're going to blow my cover.

Damin: Did something happen while I was gone?

Mirin: Erwin happened.

Niko: He is very good at ruining things isn't he? Niko sighed. I would love to just leave this universe and go somewhere far away

Mirin: Universe? What is she talking about

Damin: well this is only one of many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many universes. Mirin looked confused still. We live in a multiverse.

Mirin: Why didn't you say that the first time?

Damin: I shrugged. I don't know why I do anything. But what actually happened while I was gone.

Mirin: What happened to you then? He seemed to ask, thinking I got myself stuck

Damin: I'll explain everything later, I have explained everything multiple times this week.

Mirin: he looked down. After you left everyone besides Niko stopped talking to me. I didn't really understand why.

Niko: I don't even understand why they disliked either of you and wanted to continue to socialise with you both. And I have Erwin as a brother.

Mirin: he ignored her and continued. I don't exactly know what happened myself, it was my second last year of school and they technically got me expelled for something I didn't do.

Damin: What did you apparently do?

Niko: Beat up another student, but the time he was accused of doing it at he was with me.

Mirin: Why would I even want to beat someone up? There is no point to it

Damin: I don't understand these people at all. I guess that's why I left this universe

Mirin just stared at me. I had forgotten that I didn't tell him yet.

Mirin: you what?

instead of just telling him, I pulled out the portal gun and created a portal to universe 6D which is also known as Earth

Mirin: What the heck-

Niko: Woah, so that's what a portal looks like! Niko stared at it in awe

Mirin: I thought you were just saying it all. 

Damin: When have I ever lied to you? I smiled, closing the portal

Mirin: So what are you some sort of... time traveller now?

Damin: technically yes? I think there's a better name for it though

Niko: a multiversal wayfarer

Damin: let's go with that

Mirin: What are you going to do now then?

Damin: Well I was thinking of getting fired, would you like to help me?

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