Robin's arc: A short trip

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We went through many universes, scoured all of universe 1, sections of universe 2,

Damin: what about this one? He changed the setting on the portal gun to a question mark

Robin: What is that?

Damin: I dunno

Robin: Well then... Lets go! Damin opened the portal and we went off

We entered the portal to find a deserted desolate place

Damin: This place looks... Fun. He was confused by the apocalyptic state of this universe

Robin: it doesn't look like anyone could even live here despite our doubts we pressed on

Suddenly we saw this odd looking house

Damin: Should we?

Robin: It's a post apocalyptic wasteland, of course we should check the only house here

We walked inside, the house, there were maps, guides, and papers everywhere no one was in sight, then we found a basement then there was a noise

Robin: whispering what was that?!

Damin: shhh

We walked down slowly and then we got to an open space, it was weird, a strange black liquid floated around, there was a woman in the middle of the room, she turned around...

???: Robin?

Damin changed what he looked like (basically turned his illusion off) I almost felt obligated to do the same

???: how- how did you get here?

Damin: I found a portal gun in a room at home... Why did you leave me alone?

It took me a second to realise that this was Damin's Mum

Damin's mum: You wouldn't understand... I had to.

Damin: But you left me with him. He seemed on the verge of tears, I felt super awkward He... He did something.

Damin's mum: I'm sorry that happened. But you really wouldn't understand why I did it...

I noticed the outline of a person in the corner of the room

Robin: Who's that?

Damin's mum suddenly got nervous

Damin: So that was your reason.

Damin's mum: she sighed you can come out

A small boy appeared out from behind a pillar and came over

???: Who are you?

Damin: Robin

???: Ok my name is-

Damin's mum: she cut him off his name is Aaron... he is your brother

Aaron looked surprised

Damin's mum: don't you go telling him things

Damin: Like... What grass is?

Aaron: What's grass?

Robin: I'm just confused now... Why did my dad disappear at a similar time? Where is he? I have so many questions and no answers I was frustrated

We left that strange place, confused

Damin: She almost seemed mad that I was there...

Robin: Yeah. Mad that you were telling your brother what grass was

Suddenly as we got to where we arrived something appeared. It was like a portal but it looked strange

Mae's Mum: So nice to see you again. Robin

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