Aaron's arc: Return to home

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Me and Ember left Zephyr alone, Ember had offered that he stay on the couch but he refused, saying that it would be a bit weird seeing as we barely knew each other. Over the course of a few days we visited him back at that spot in the forest where we left him, it was almost like a meetup spot. This happened every day until we came to a lull.

Ember: This universe is kind of boring Zephyr nodded in response
Aaron: I kind of want to go back home for a bit, just to check some things out
Zephyr: 2B?
Aaron: I shook my head No universe ♾V, I figured my mum might've had some idea of what was happening in 2B
Ember: But even if she did leave something related to it how would we get there?
Zephyr: I might have a way... Ember and I turned to face him
Aaron: how?
Ember: Do you have a portal gun too?
Zephyr: What? No but I can do this He opened a portal to V
Aaron: How did you? Zephyr shrugged
Ember: That's so cool
Zephyr: Did you want to?
Aaron: Yes of course

One by one we entered the portal to the barren wasteland I used to call home

Ember: Wow um this place is...
Aaron: terrible, I know
Zephyr: So what are we looking for?
Aaron: a disheveled house, you can't miss it, and then inside there you need to find the basement
Ember: You lived in the basement?
Aaron: Well the house was kind of missing a wall so we couldn't stay there
Ember: Oh. I was trying to make a joke before but okay

We trekked along the roadless path, I hoped I remembered the way, I only had to walk to the old house a couple of times.

Ember: Is that it? She pointed to a house off in the distance
Aaron: Yep

And we continued on, finally arriving at the house. The front door had come clean off so we didn't need to worry about how we would get in, and then we were inside. Just needed to find the basement door. We looked around and finally we found an entryway but the door was gone, someone had come in here recently. Hopefully they didn't take any of the documents we needed. We went down into the basement to find what was a surprise to the other two.

Zephyr: Is this a cave system?
Ember: Secret hideout base house
Aaron: To be honest I have no clue I walked over to a document left on the table, it was plans for a machine Hey guys come look
Ember: What is that? A tank?
Zephyr: It can't be, it's basically a log
Aaron: Well it says here that it is used to combine timelines or universes together
Zephyr: Wouldn't that kill tons of people?
Aaron: There'd only be one timeline in our universe... Universe 2A
Ember: But that means you both wouldn't exist!
???: If you are having evil organisation problems why don't you just show people some footage

We all turned around to face the newcomer, it was a catonian girl with short maybe rose coloured hair, her cat ears were a light red on the right and orange on the left with black spots, she wore what just looked like a big brown cloth around herself.

Aaron: Who are you now?
Tarin: Tarin. I live near here. You were talking about some sort of evil organisation you need to take down or something
Ember: Yes. She responded cautiously, we didn't know if this person really was a local or if she was from universe 2B and was trying to trick us into helping with this strange machine.
Aaron: you aren't secretly from universe 2B or something right?
Tarin: Universe what? I guess that explains why all your clothes are so strange
Zephyr: So I guess they can't possibly be a spy from Ciar Enterprises
Tarin: You guys are overly skeptical. So what do you think, about my idea?
Aaron: Well we would have to go back to Ciar and get the
Zephyr: But if the public know...
Ember: Then maybe something will happen, the company might just shut down
Tarin: I could help you know...

And so we devised a plan to get back into Ciar take random videos of what they are doing and upload it to the internet in both universe 2A and 2B. The plan was simple. We get in through the ventilation system, it's annoying but the only way, then we would split into two groups, Zephyr and Ember in the vents filming from above while Tarin and I filmed from the ground. We started to put our plan into motion, I jumped down into an empty room, Tarin came in after me, and I turned us both invisible.

Tarin: she whispered to me just tell me when
Aaron: Yeah. We came by a some people doing some sort of experiment
Tarin: I don't like this she started to record things, we walked through multiple rooms filming the strange scenery around us hopefully the people who saw this video would realise that Ciar wasn't a good company...

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It had been a while since we had uploaded those videos online, many people had shared them around. People had started to protest outside of the lab. The police even got involved, they came to Ciar to search out the place for suspicious items and it was all downhill for the company from there, and me, my friends, my brother, his friends... we were finally free.

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