Aaron's arc: The Enterprise

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(Note the character known as Robin Maeve is written as just Mae from here on to avoid any confusion between her and Damin as Aaron calls Damin Robin)

After almost 15 years my mum decided to move back to universe 2B, I don't quite understand why she moved to a completely new universe just to be away from my dad, seemed a bit too excessive to me. At least now I finally had a properly room, although our house was still quite small compared to some, but it was better than the strange rock bunker we had before.

I looked out of the window, mum was going to be gone for a while and I had some time to kill, maybe I should go take a walk? I got up and left the house, making sure the door was shut properly before I left. The scenery was quite nice, very different from the place I grew up, which was mostly dirt, rocks, and weird floating black blobs.

Aaron: I sighed It's nice here suddenly I felt pain in the back of my head, and everything went dark

I woke up again in a dark room, so dark I couldn't even see if there were any doors.

Aaron: I whispered to myself, Maybe I should have stayed home, mum's really gonna kill me now. Suddenly a light turned on, the brightness hurt my eyes. A person came into the room, locking the door behind them. Why am I here?
???: After your father failed to get what we needed from your brother, we have to try and get what we need from you.
Aaron: My dad? What do you mean? I don't think I have anything you need.
???: The person flicked me in the head, Of course you don't think! You have a particular gene in your genetic code that would help us, it just needs to be, activated.
Aaron: That just sounds weird, why would you need something that's apart of me.
???: You have a disease boy. A disease commonly known as FRVM. This disease could help us with our plan.
Aaron: What your plans for world domination?
???: I'm tired of this, just turn it on already.

Suddenly a strange device that looked similar to a megaphone came out from a wall, if it once was a proper megaphone it didn't seem like it could work as one anymore, the front was covered with plastic and a strange mesh, there were buttons and dials on the sides and it had a trigger.

Aaron: What is that? I took a step back, getting out of the devices view, the device followed me.
???: It is an MEP-107, one of our greatest inventions here at Ciar Enterprise, the only down side is the negative affect it had on some people.
Aaron: ...what I turned to the door where the man exited, not saying another word. I turned back to face the machine in front of me, maybe I could try to levitate it? No my skills aren't good enough to lift something that heavy, but I tried anyways, and surprise surprise it didn't work. I had lost hope. The device had started firing at me, I couldn't see whatever it was but I could feel it all. It hurt so much. I closed my eyes tightly hoping it would be over soon, it was all I could do.

After some time had past the machine turned off, I was relieved, but I knew they were probably going to do it again. I needed to get out here. Suddenly I heard a noise coming from the ceiling. I looked up to see the vent wide open and there was a familiar face looking down to me.

Aaron: Robin? How did you find me?
Mae: Hey I'm here too! A girl peeked through the vent next to my brother
Damin: shhh! He whispered back to me I had a hunch after I saw you weren't home, and you sort of left the door unlocked
Aaron: Whoops

Robin lent down out of the vent and helped to pull me up into the vent. When I finally got inside and we had covered back over the vent something strange happened. I looked down at my hands, it almost looked like they were glitching.

Mae: Great now he has it too.
Damin: I don't understand why they want to do this.
Mae: maybe they take joy in other peoples pain. She shrugged
Aaron: can someone please explain to me what this is?
Damin: Soon, just when we aren't in the ventilation system of an evil laboratory.

We crawled through the vents, it didn't seem that long until we had gotten out, once we were finally out Robin's friend created a portal back to my house, only me and Robin entered. His friend went to do something else. We entered my house locking the door behind us this time when we entered.

Aaron: Robin, I'm scared. What is this? What's happening to me?
Damin: he sighed, he seemed to have the same thing I did because for a split second he seemed to glitch, It's a genetic disease called FRVM or flammis re vera morbus, which is Latin for Flicker Reality Disease, don't know who the really smart person they got to name that was.
Aaron: What place does Latin come from?
Damin: Robin shrugged I think it's an Earth thing? Anyways the disease basically means that you just seem to glitch out of place for a period of time, it's supposed to be activated during sickness but those idiots decided to use a method that makes it completely random. After I didn't say anything he continued I'm sorry this had to happen to you Aaron.
Aaron: It's just a lot to process...

Robin stayed with me for a while, just until mum would only be 10 more minutes. But the 10 minutes came and went, then it had been half an hour, then an hour. When finally there was a knock at the door, could that be her? I walked over to the front door and unlocked it, but instead of my mum, there was a strange man.

???: Is your name Aaron Iyer?
Aaron: Y-yes...
???: I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you. But your mother passed away in an accident recently

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