Damin's arc: Return

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I parted ways with Mae, it felt nice to have someone I could talk to again

Damin: I guess I will have to go back there now sighing I returned to V to confront my mother

Damin's mum: what was that

Damin: what was what I turned around seeing if I could find whatever it was I was pretending to look at

Damin's mum: don't play dumb, what happened back there. How did she know.

Damin: I don't know, I'm not a mind reader.

Damin's mum: can you answer one thing for me?

Damin: of course

Damin's mum: what happened to you? She was sad

Damin: Dad was given... An assignment 4 years ago.

Damin's mum: He still works for Ciar Enterprises?

Damin: I nodded he said that he looked for people first, but he couldn't find any

Damin's mum: now I don't believe that for a second

Damin: I ignored her and continued he told me he needed me to help him with something...

I started to recount the events of that day...


Damin's dad: Oh Robin, can you help me with something?

Damin: What is it? (15 y/o)

Damin's dad: just something I'm working on for work, can you hold this for me? He passed me a strange looking device

Damin: Uhhh sure? I looked down at the small device, a small silver thing extruded out of it Hey uh dad? I looked up, he was no longer in the room, suddenly I felt pain in my hand, I fell over trying to keep a grip on reality... but I blacked out

Next thing I knew I was in my own room but something felt different

Damin: What was that? I winced, everything seemed to hurt. That made no sense, my hand was the only part that was actually hurt, I looked down at my hand to see if there was any mark. Nothing at first. But then. I seemed to just... Glitch. What is this?


Damin: That's the truth

Damin's mum: how do I know you didn't make it up?

Damin: Unless you want to wait until it happens, you don't

Damin's mum: just promise me this though. You will go back to your universe. Live a normal life.

Damin: But

Damin's mum: Robin, I don't want you doing this anymore. You can't live your life like this

Damin: Okay... What do I do then.

Damin's mum: ?

Damin: for a job she was obviously going to tell me anyways

Damin's mum: Go to Garcia

Damin: who is that

Damin's mum: not a who. It's a company

Damin: sounds like the name of a clothing brand I wasn't so keen

Damin's mum: it isn't she started to head back you should head back to your universe before the sun sets and she was gone

I stood there alone for a few minutes, I guess I had to do what she said, I didn't know how she was like if I didn't do what she wanted, and so far it seemed like she didn't really like anything I did. Not a good start.

And I finally teleported back. Back to universe 2B.

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