Damin's arc: two becomes one

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I looked at the person who was behind me. It was Mae.

Robin: Hello Damin she smiled

Niko: Oh my gosh they're multiplying

Mirin: I never thought that I would see more one version of someone in an area

Damin: What are you doing here Mae.

Robin: My universe got really boring, so I decided to see what you were doing, haven't gone back to 6D I see

Damin: I don't think I will go back to 6D either

Niko: What is 6D

Damin: that's the name of a universe. The fourth timeline of the 6th universe.

Robin: the 6th universe has a place called earth in it

Mirin: so many myths that are actually true... I don't know what to believe anymore

Robin: Oh also I brought my friends. Sorry

Niko: Do you have another version of me as a friend?

A boy stood next to Mae, as well as another familiar face

??: This is very weird

Niko: So does everyone in the alternate universe have the same name as this one or different?

Robin: Me and Damin are the only ones with the same name I'm pretty sure

??: Unless your name is Nicolas he smiled

Niko: Glad I'm not and called Niko instead she looked over to Lita, who was standing close by to Mae You look a lot like Mirin, except you know, a girl.

Mirin hid his face from view.

Lita: I'm Lita.

Mirin: So what are we supposed to call you when she is around now? He turned to me

Damin: I guess you can call me Damin, as long as you don't tease me

Niko: why would we tease you? That was the other three

Nick: So you had a bad group of friends in your universe too?

Niko: Yeah it consisted of these two she pointed to me and Mirin my brother, and two others

Nick: Weird, I thought the universes were supposed to be complete parallels

Robin: They are, just some events are a bit different. Why would you say it isn't?

Nick: Because in my universe it has my brother, and a few others, I also didn't meet them for a while he looked at Mae and Lita

Niko: maybe they are just different people altogether?

Nick: Maybe, but that doesn't make any sense to why I have a brother

Robin: Should we all go now?

And then we left the second timeline of the second universe, off to find what awaited us next.

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