Robin's arc: Escape

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Robin: Okay so how will we do this? Still whispering

Damin: whispers back what if we....

We began to execute the plan. I moved my chair slowly until I reached the bench, there was a box cutter there, I used it to break free with a lot of hassle, then I broke Damin free

Damin: Okay so now we need to get the portal guns I nodded

We crouched down low hiding from our perpetrators despite us sticking out like a sore thumb we go through.

Robin: Okay that was a lot easier than I thought

Damin: your friend didn't even set an alarm on them, or at least make fakes he picked up his portal gun

Robin: Well she isn't actually a bad person...

Damin: well in my book, kidnapping classes a person as a bad person. Let's just get out of here

We grab our things and look back on the place, they have noticed that we are gone and as someone seems to come through the door, we disappear.

Damin: That was easy...

Robin: Too easy... Somethings up

Damin: let's just focus on staying far away from them

Robin: good plan. By the way... you said you'd explain what Lita meant

Damin: he sighed I guess I did, didn't I? When I was around... I dunno 15? My dad was looking for people to help with a little project that some lab assigned to him. Long story short he found no one.

Robin: ...So he did it on you Damin nodded in reply

Damin: I would be perfectly fine if I didn't see him again.

Robin: It still makes me wonder though...

Damin: ?

Robin: I wonder what happened to my dad... One day when I was little, he just....

Damin: Disappeared?

Robin: Yeah...

Damin: Maybe we can look for your dad, and my mum.

Robin: I thought you said you didn't want to team up with a stupid alternate version of yourself

Damin: Well I guess it's harder to get caught by people when you're in a group

Robin: wise words

And so we began on our not so long journey to find our missing parents

Robin: So where to first

Damin: I think the first thing we should do is figure out what we are supposed to call each other

Robin: Yeah we can't call each other Robin. That's confusing

Damin: Just call me Damin, it's my middle name so I'm used to people using it as a nickname

Robin: Well then you can just call me by my alias, Mae

Damin: Where did you get Mae from?

Robin: Maeve

Damin: Oh

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