Aaron's arc: Ally or Enemy?

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Getting kidnapped twice in a week was just... a small setback, now back on track with a somewhat normal life, I went to school (Me and Ember are in the same class too) I practiced spells, I even learnt a new one, invisibility, although I can only make myself, and other people if I'm touching them, invisible. We wanted to make something random invisible but instead I just did it to myself. Back to the present, a month after that incident, Robin was off someplace else with his friends so Ember and I were stuck in universe 2A.

Ember: What are we supposed to do Ember was lying down on the grass, her legs up the side of a tree
Aaron: I'm not sure, it's been a while since I've just done nothing
Ember: you think some crazy person might jump out of that bush over there and randomly attack us?
Aaron: Don't jinx it Ember
Ember: Jinxing isn't real, it's just coincidence

We both stared at the bush waiting to see if anyone would come out

Ember: See?
Aaron: I guess you might possibly be slightly right At that moment I could tell, someone was standing behind me, I turned around taking a step away from the person Ember you jinxed it
Ember: Whoops

The person was wearing a green hood, the most I could tell about their physical appearance was that they had red hair.

???: You need to come with me the persons voice sounded familiar but it was quiet at the same time so I couldn't figure out where I knew them from
Ember: Ember quickly got up, shooting out some vines from basically thin air tying up the stranger in the process making them fall backwards on the ground. No not today
Aaron: Since when could you do that?! I looked back over to the mystery person I feel like I know you from somewhere... On a closer inspection I could actually see what their face looked like, I knew exactly who this was. Zephyr??
Ember: Zephyr? That guy who was worried for your well-being without really knowing you is trying to kill you now?
Zephyr: ...I'm not trying to kill him, I was told to bring him to Ciar... it seemed like something had changed, his tone of voice became normal instead of being really quiet ...Wait what am I doing here?
Ember: That's what you were just telling us we were both incredibly confused about the sudden change
Zephyr: huh? So then I was about to tell you why I'm tied up?
Ember: No I tied you up so you would talk and not try to kill my friend
Zephyr: Wait I was going to kill him?! Apparently he was so shocked to hear this that he fell backwards forgetting that he was still tied up, I levitated him back to the position he was in before Uh... Thank you? He didn't seem like he knew how to react
Aaron: What exactly happened in the time between when we saw you last time?
Zephyr: There was a random volunteer thing at school, although I wouldn't really say it was volunteer more voluntold. Some people came in telling us little information about what they were picking people for, I guess I was just unlucky. They messed with my head.

Ciar Enterprise really did relish in other peoples pain didn't they? They would go as far as mind control a person and further to get what they wanted. Ember untied Zephyr, then we helped to look for any mind control devices on him, we ended up finding two. They looked weird like they were controlled by an external source, they seemed to have some sort of weird liquid inside that would be injected into whoever had the device on them at the time.

Ember: So what do we do with this?
Zephyr: he shrugged destroy them I guess?
Aaron: I created an icicle Would this work?
Ember: Could be a bit excessive don't you think?
Aaron: Okay Okay I melted the icicle instantly which worked out for the best, the water from the icicle shorted out the devices and they broke Not so excessive now is it?
Ember: No it's still excessive
Zephyr: What am I going to do now? Zephyr sighed. It had been very confusing, hopefully Zephyr wouldn't be mind controlled again and try to take me or anyone else to Ciar, at least not for a while, we didn't know how much of that mind control serum, or whatever it was, was still in his system, we couldn't do much either, we weren't doctors and a doctor would probably laugh at the situation thinking it was a joke. Mind control wasn't a common situation at all.

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