Damin's arc: Niko's guide to getting fired

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I told my mum the false news that I had gotten fired, she took it. But I had to figure out a way to actually get fired soon. She and Aaron were going to move to universe 2B.

Damin: so do you have any ideas?

Niko: What if you... wait no that's bad

Mirin: We don't want to set anything on fire

Niko: It was an accident she crossed her arms and anyways it would be Robin doing it, he's the one who wants to get fired

Damin: yeah I'm not doing anything that can kill people thanks it still felt weird having everyone call me Robin after being called Damin for so long

Mirin: why not just open a portal in there?

Niko: But is that enough to get fired? Nah I feel like that's only enough for a warning

Damin: What do you suppose I do then?

Mirin: please tell me you aren't going to blow up Garcia

Niko: Okay I won't and she walked off

Damin: I am scared

Mirin: I really hope she doesn't kill us all

Earlier that day without people realising I actually had checked out of that apartment I was staying in, a traveller doesn't need permanent accommodation.

Later Niko came back, I still don't really know why she left, I don't think she knows why she left. We started to go through a list of things to do. I don't want to say everything we did but at one point we shut down my boss's car so that he had to call a mechanic and an electrician to fix it. Nothing we did worked though. Until later when one of my co-workers came by after Niko and Mirin left.

Co-worker: Robin, was it?

I turned around to face the tall man.

Damin: Yes...

Co-worker: I went to go stop by earlier but they said you had checked out?

Damin: Ah well I found somewhere better. How do you know where I live? This was creepy

Co-worker: that's none of your concern. Where exactly are you going instead.

Damin: The forest of course. It makes a much better place to stay

Co-worker: you're joking right?

Damin: No. I find it hard to make jokes sometimes. This is not a joking time.

Co-worker: he looked down at the ground there he saw my pet spider, which was slightly bigger than my foot. What is that?! He seemed scared

Damin: I picked it up. What you mean Sprite? He's not going to hurt you. He is a friendly spider

Co-worker: I don't care if it's friendly or not, that thing is not normal, it looks like it came from a science experiment, experimenting on pets violates rule 286 of the code of conduct. You can get fired for this.

Damin: but we have spiders around here though

Co-worker: not ones that look like that we don't. And he left, probably to report me

Damin: Thank you Sprite for getting me fired I hugged the spider

The next day came, Niko and Mirin came back to see if they could help with my problem

Niko: So did you figure anything out?

Damin: I nodded Sprite got me fired

Mirin: Your pet spider? It's still alive?

Damin: Yes Sprite climbed up onto my head at that moment

Niko: How is it so big? She had a very different reaction to my former co-worker

Damin: well you see... had a small accident a few days ago

Mirin: Robin...

Damin: I didn't mean to I didn't want them to think I did something to my own pet on purpose

Niko: well anyways it's good that you got fired then right? That was what you wanted?

Mirin: why did you want to get fired?

Damin: I just want to travel universes that's all

Niko: Can I come?

Damin: I already said you could, you can come too if you want Mirin.

Mirin: Well this universe isn't that great so what do I have to lose?

Niko: So Robin...

Damin: What is it?

Niko: Can you show me the illusion that you use?

Mirin: You can create illusions now?

Damin: Uh physical illusions.

Niko: But can you show it to me.

Damin: I changed back to the illusion that I had been using, it felt more like me despite it all being fake. Are you happy now?

Niko: You look very different from before

Mirin: Really? I don't see any difference

Suddenly there was a noise behind me and a person came out

???: Hello Damin

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