Damin's arc: universe 2B

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I arrived back in universe 2B, it hadn't been that long since I was last here. But still it felt strange being back.

I stepped out from the portal, entering the vast forest that consumed the island I once called home. I walked to the other side, apparently Garcia used to just be in Aclia but more recently started in the Pebblestone Islands. The first thing I had to do was see what Garcia actually was. I removed my illusion and entered their building.

Damin: Hi. I spoke awkwardly to the receptionist.

Receptionist: Hello, how can I help you? They spoke in a very bored tone. They must really hate their job.

Damin: Uh I hesitated, temporarily forgetting how a human interaction worked. I was just wondering...

Receptionist: Look if you aren't here for a job interview. As a researcher or whatever else they have put up. You should leave.

Damin: I was told to look here for a job.

Receptionist: Oh. Ok. Did they just get annoyed at me saying that? Just go over there they pointed across the room

I walked over and stood there. Not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I had never had a job interview before, I left home just as all my friends were getting part time jobs. Suddenly I was called in.

Floor manager: Hello, I am the floor manager for research here at Garcia.

Damin: So you manage floors? I was being serious

Floor manager: they laughed that's a good joke. Let's start. What is your name?

Damin: Robin Iyer I felt like I had said my name hundreds of times this week

Floor manager: What are your qualifications?

Damin: Well uh... what even were my qualifications? Both my parents were scientists so I got a better education than most people my age. I may not have done much but I am pretty sure I have the knowledge. I also have fixed something before

Floor manager: I see. Did you ever help your parents with their work?

Damin: this question felt a bit personal Many times

Floor manager: they scribbled something down and continued well thank you Robin for your time, you should be contacted in the next week or so it was at that point I was certain I didn't get it. And I was content with that.

I left Garcia and went to go find somewhere to stay the night, if I was going to have a job I may as well sleep somewhere better than on dirt. Although I didn't mind it at this point. I looked over my shoulder, the sun sinking in the horizon.

Multiversal WayfarersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora