4: good vampire bad vampire

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dan looked up at the vampire.

and the vampire looked down at the frightful child.

their silence didn't last long however as dan suddenly screamed. "aaaa! you're a vampire!" quickly thinking of an escape, he stepped on the cloaked boy's left foot which caused him to groan and let dan go.

and kouzo didn't miss the opportunity to run away and scream as fast and as loud as he could.

"hey kid, come back!" but of course he wouldn't. the darkus brawler growled and turned to nillious who was already in its small form. "nillious! don't let him get away, let's catch him before this all turns into chaos."

"right!" nillious nodded.

and by wrapping his cloak around his thin figure, magnus the vampire disappeared in search for the red streaked while nillious flew in the direction dan headed to stop him.

"i hate this place i hate this place I HATE THIS PLACE!!" the boy that was being searched for cried as he ran in the dark woods. the panic flowing in his veins pumping him to go faster. "aughh, where's drago when you need him?!"
he continued in his tracks but was forced to stop when a now enlarged nillious flew down in his way.

"stop!" they yelled but the fearful boy didn't listen and just ran the other way screaming before bumping right into the black haired who had suddenly appeared after hearing his partner's roar.

dan fell sitting down due to the impact however quickly scrambled to stand back up and run, stopped again by the elder grabbing him and covering his mouth muffling the preteens fearful screams.

"quit yelling, kouzo! you're only gunna draw more attention to yourself!"

"mmm mm mmf!!" was dan's response as he continued to wiggle in the taller's grasp, gripping onto the gloved hand on his mouth and trying so hard to pull it off. to no avail, of course.

"look, i get you're scared but you seriously need to calm down. there's vampires around here worse than the few you've encountered." the stranger said. "plus, i know how to get you back to your world. i can help you."

that interested dan and calmed him down a bit. he stopped moving frantically and looked up at his supposedly well intentioned captor.

"magnus has helped humans.. escape out of here plenty of times." nillious said, flying to dan's eye level in its smaller form. "he's what you'd call.. a friendly vampire."

the brunette furrowed his brows and took magnus' hand off his lips once the elder felt it'd be okay to let him free. "but how can i trust you? for all i know, you just want to lure me away and drink all my blood."

"and i get that. after everything you've probably been through, trusting a vampire is last on your radar." the elder said which made dan chuckle

"that is true.."

mag continued, folding his arms over his chest which showed off his bare arms. "so the decision is yours dan. either you come with me and i summon a portal back to your world or you run off, but i can't gaurentee your safety there. what will it be?"

daniel grit his teeth. he still didn't trust this guy but he hadn't sunk his teeth in his neck yet or whatever so maybe giving him a chance was worth a shot..? he sighed but suddenly rose his brows when he got an idea.

"..fine! i'll go with you but any funny business and i'll flash you with this!" he pulled out his red cased phone from his pocket and pushed it up to magnus' face.

dan had heard once that light was a vampire's biggest weakness so maybe the flash on his phone would do the trick! it was honestly crazy how dan hadn't thought of it earlier..

but it just confused the vampire more than threaten him having never seen such a device before. not to mention how small it was to deal any damage so the elder pulled his hand away.

"and that is..?"

kouzo rose his brows. guess in this world they didn't have technology but, now wasn't the time to think about that. he put on his serious face again "a very dangerous weapon."

"okaay." magnus said drawing out the 'a' with the raise of one brow before quickly grabbing dan's hand and dragging him away. "anyway let's go before anyone sees you, i have everything i'll need in my spell room. it won't take long and you'll be back home in a jiffy."

although the red wearing teen was more than enthusiastic to go back to los volmos and be back home safe, he still couldn't leave without his partner and best friend drago! so he attempted to stop in his tracks but magnus just dragged him along and forced him to follow.

were all vampires crazy strong or did dan seriously need to work out more?

"wait-! we can't leave now, i still need to get-"

"dan!" the boy cut himself off when he heard drago's voice overhead. he gasped excitedly and magnus stopped when the bakugan dropped in front of them.

kouzo grinned and free himself from magnus "drago! boy, am i glad to see you!"

"me too dan but we really need to get out of here, those vampires could catch up any minute and drink you up dry!" the pyrus dragon exclaimed with worry for his friend before meeting sight of the vampire by dan. "wait a minute, is he..?"

"o-oh don't worry! this is magnus, he's a good vampire.. i think.. he says he knows how to get us back home!" kouzo explained.

".. but how can we trust him?"

in response, magnus shrugged. "you'll just have to take my word for it."

drago eyed him thoughtfully. just like dan he had his doubts so he'd make sure to keep his guard up to protect his battle partner. but he still gave in for the sake of desperation.
"well then.. if dan trusts you.."

the sudden rumbling of the ground brought the conversation to a halt. the ventus mantanoid drago had tried to outrun appeared from the bushes. he extended his claws and sent out an ear shrilling shriek at the sight of the human in pursuit and his partner causing the group to cover their ears and groan in pain.

"we finally have you human!" the familiar voice of one of the bad vampires chuckled as he appeared, it was kurin who was eventually followed up by aay.

dan gasped and hid behind magnus who glared at them two.

aay and kurin glared back.

"well well. it looks like your royal highness has got to him first." the green haired vampire chuckled sarcastically before he clicked his tongue annoyed.

dan looks up at magnus from behind

your highness..?

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