start out

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Maya Hart was getting ready to go and meet her best friend riley. No one knew this but she had a crush on riley crush Lucas friar. Maya headed out the window and started walking down the street saying 'hi' to everyone she saw. Eventually she reached rileys apartment building. She buzzed the door and heard a sweet voice say 'come on up' of course she would hurry because her crush Lucas was with Riley already and she wouldn't spend a single moment to waste if Lucas was there. Riley said bye to auggie her brother and Topanga her mother. she was going to see her dad because he is her history teacher.

The gang were talking in the hall outside the classroom but Lucas couldn't stop looking at Maya which put curiosity towards riley since her love for Lucas was strong. Mr Mathews called them in and they took their seats. As usual Corey(the father teacher) did his lesson as a life lesson all of them murmured in sarcastic delight, as usual, Mr Mathews said that this era was amazing but yet frightening ,'the forgotten'. As usual everyone butted in and class was going slow.

out of the classroom. So.. what you guys doing later' Lucas asked. 'Homework for the lunatic insane teacher' riley said pointing at her dad.

'you Maya?' Lucas questioned

'nothing,i'm not doing the homework,' Maya replied

'Well want to meet up at the movies? we can watch the haunted doll of dead,' said Lucas. Maya shrugged her shoulders as if to say sure whatever. As you may know riley was not happy about this and in fact she was furious at Maya and she knew Maya knew she liked Lucas first.

in the window seat at rileys house she was waiting impatiently for her so called 'best' friend. Finally Maya came through the usual window all dressed up nice with golden shorts that were sparkling and a dog wearing shades top with a jacket on. 'why?'

why what? you need to be more specific sometimes,'

'why are you going on this date with Lucas?'

'riley we are just two friends hanging out at a scary movie,'

'which leads to...'


'boyfriend and girlfriend!'

'I don't like him in that way,' Maya said looking away

'you... l..ik...e him? how could you?'

'I don't know? the way we tease eachother,how he puts thought into our game,'

'you know I liked him first,'

'so I cant like the same person?'

'NO!, not when its Lucas,'

'Wow! I was going to talk to you about and about my clothes but no,'


'bye riley,' and she crawls back out the window. All of a sudden Topanga walks in. 'everything ok in here?'. riley tells her mother everything but as always Topanga said something smart like: although you like the same boy you should be happy at least one of you got him because it could be worst if someone else got him wont it? riley had to go find Maya and apologize but soon realised she had already left for the movies. She cant go there knowing Lucas will want to know why riley is there and not doing her homework like she planned to do in the first place.

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