Introducing someone new

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Maya POV
So kaz and Oliver are like my bestest of friends after Riley. I suppose I shouldn't be saying this but Oliver is perfect for Riley and I think I may be developing feelings for kaz.

Riley is a sweet sensitive girl so she's perfect for Oliver and then there's Maya deep and mysterious I would so ask her out if she wasn't dating Lucas.

Oliver's POV
Today is the day I'm gonna ask out Riley Mathews. I walked up to Riley's locker and said hey beautiful and I think she may of blushed a little which made her even more cute.

Riley's POV
Omg the cutest boy I know came up to me and called me beautiful,it was Oliver then I nearly fainted when he asked me out of course I sed YASSSSS

Maya's POV
I can't like both guys I think I should go find Lucas and talk to him. I couldn't find him anywhere then I walked through the park to go to his house when I looked up from a rose bush and saw- no it couldn't be - LUCAS FRIAR AND JASMINE MAKING OUT. I couldn't believe it he cheated on me. I ran up to him tapped his shoulder and slapped and shouted YOURE A LUCKY GIRL JASMINE. And ran off. I was soo upset I was bawling my eyes out he was calling me but I ignored and just ran straight past kaz and he ran towards me where I was on a nearby bench.

Hope this was a good chapter I'm now gonna go on to a kaz and Maya fanfic abit cuz I like brabrina a lot but I can't just change there names now so yh sorry but I'll keep Lucas and jasmine from I didn't do it in. Also farkle will be in it more hopefully

1)on a scale from 1-10 how much do u like brabrina
2) do u like I didn't do it

You will be mine forever~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin