Wheres maya

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Riley's POV
We must of stayed up late last night because I woke up and Maya had left but still made me breakfast and kept it warm. I wonder where she could have gone then I remember her saying about a project for history with some new kid I think his name was kaz an Oliver.

Maya is so sweet I can't believe it I think we will be good friends maybe best friends she told us about her boyfriend Lucas friar what a lucky boy to have someone as great as Maya.

Maya POV
No I didn't lie about doing my project because I did do it with them but I got a text off Lucas to meet at the movies. I finished with kaz and Oliver and went there.
At the movies I couldn't see Lucas anywhere I stood by the popcorn machine and waited I must've been early. Suddenly I was startled by someone's hands covering my eyes,Lucas then grabbed my waist pulled me close and did an intense kiss it was amazing. He pulled away then held up two tickets to zombie apocalypse of baby attack. The most horrifying movie ever no one has ever seen the whole movie everyone comes out. I can't wait to scare myself and Lucas comfort me because he's hard nothing scares him.

Lucas POV
Maya didn't know this but I had already seen the movie today to make sure I can handle it and I can but I left because I know she would want to be the one to watch it all and NOT leave. We went in and when people started to leave is when Maya got scared,she put her eyes into my chest so she couldn't see but I did my bit and kissed her head and hugged her tight so she would never leave. It was nearly over when I spread my arm across her and put it round her back and she snuggled in.

Maya's POV
Omg that night was amazing Lucas chest is so hard and I felt his 6 pack 'sigh' I'm so sad that we have to keep this a secret. I think I'll go ask Riley tomorrow see what she would think. I spent the rest of the night on a park bench snuggled up with Lucas my head on his shoulder his head on my head and we just stared at the stars the were as sparkling as his eyes,his eyes more sparkly though.

Hope you liked this chapter it was Fairly long yet a tiny bit short
1)what's your fav movie with a witch in?
2) do you know anyone with a 6pack?
3)gmw or bmw?
1)into the woods

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