The lesson

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At school Riley went up to Maya and Lucas but just as she was about to speak Maya turned and pulled Lucas into the classroom with her.Riley looked down like she usually does when something's wrong.when everyone was settling down Maya and Lucas were flirting and Corey was telling what today's lesson was.

'It was only a couple years ago in history when this happened,the colony broke into hate due to friendship and love between different friends who were close,' Corey explained Riley said 'huh I wander what that's relating too?'
'Riles your just jealous cuz I have your crush as my boyfriend,' Maya explained
'Yeah we are dating now' Lucas pointed out. Riley asked if she could go to medical room and ring home as she wasn't feeling well,everyone knew though that wasn't the case,she ran out as of she was going to cry. Farkle looked down to his desk Maya tapped her desk and Lucas had his arms crossed on his desk. All 3 said that they would go see Riley later after school to see if she was ok.

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