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Maya POV
today is that day we all wait for the day we decide our colleges.this is so scary what if I don't get into the same one as riley and kaz I'll be so empty.

Riley POV
Oh gees we are picking colleges this is so exciting I want to get an apartment for them and what will I do about telling them I'm with Lucas and he's coming today.
----time lapse----
I feel really bad for not telling Maya riles and Lucas are together but she's should forgive him hopefully. I arrived at her house but Riley was there and Lucas they were all talking when I heard:
If u hurt her Ill hunt u down like rabbit pack dog u are
Then Maya sat back down so there friends again.i walked up to her and cuddled her before sitting down.we all started discussing what college and where we should go for apartments near by.this will be hard.

----After one hour----
Lucas POV
well now we are all friends again we finally decided on cnyc (I made it up)
It and abbreviation of the college of New York City. And the best part was there was an amazing apartment for students only 1bus ride away and we would get to campus with plenty of time.

Maya POV
yay finally decided on a college and apartment for us all we have to do now is wait on the letter to arrive back and we r in. And even of we don't get apartments we can but a house near by or live together I'm mine due to my parents moving to Pennsylvania. Problems are all solved.

This is mostly a filler story so yeah it not suppose to be long.plz don't hate and I understand if u don't like it or vote it cuz it's crap.but that's my update

1)what college do u. Want to go to
2)would u stay a resident
3)why why not

1)I'm going to 6 form instead
2)I will at university
3)because where I wanna go is quite far so it would be easier to go residential

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