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Maya's POV
I woke up cold and I couldn't see kaz anywhere but I got up anyway. I looked out the window I heard a familiar voice and it was kaz he asked me to go to him.

I asked Maya to come to my wardrobe so she could help me pick out a shirt and mostly because I wanted her to see me shirtless

Maya POV
I walked in on kaz facing the wardrobe shirtless I felt like I was goin to faint and that's when I fell to the floor. He turned quickly and saw me and the last thing I saw was his face.

Maya fainted oh god. I went and got a fan and after a few mo unites she came through and I stood back up as I nothing happened in the same position as before she fainted.

Maya POV
Ok I stood up again an kaz was in the same position. I ran up to him and jumped on his back and felt his abs. I said to him he has nice abs and he said because he worked out and played a lot of baseball.

When Maya jumped on my back and felt my abs I told her why I needed her. And being the queen of fashion I asked her to help me pick out a shirt. She picked out a button up one which was white. Then she went had a shower and got ready.
----time lapse----
Maya POV
I got ready an went downstairs. None of his family was there because they went on a business trip so we had the house to ourselves for a couple of days and turns out he's an amazing chef. While we ate he asked me something.

Finally I asked Maya to come to the mighty med dinner and then Oliver text me to say he's taking Riley which was even better but me and Oliver are going to get the girls a gift while they spent the day together.

Maya POV
I can't believe it all in one day I have seen kaz shirtless we slept in the same room together cuddled up and now I'm going to the mighty med dinner with him Oliver and Riley. This is so much better then with Lucas. Especially as I'm spending time with Riley while kaz and Oliver go and get something for the meal. Whatever that will be.
Hi guys so this is my 4th (not including my A/N)update today yay I hope this makes up for the times I haven't updated so yh. Next is going to be Riley and Oliver so yh hope ur enjoying the story

You will be mine forever~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin