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----time lapse----
Maya POV
Me and kaz have been goin out for a year now I can't believe it. He's been to mine and met my mum and shawn hunter but I've never met his mum and siblings.

Yes after a year your probably thinking why if haven't invited Maya to my house it's because my siblings will like her so much they'll make fun of me and who wants that. I suppose I've finally got the nerve to invite her round though. I picked her up on our 1 year anniversary am took her straight to my place. The first people that came to us were my mum and baby Kelly. Maya was so polite to them and she fell to pieces when she saw my baby sister Kelly. Then he monsters came and started embarrassing me so I blushed. I think Maya saw though.

Maya POV
I couldn't wait to see kaz family and the first people who greeted me was his mum and younger sister Kelly. Then when we had a chat with them kaz blushed when his brother and sister Kayleigh and Karl came because they were embarriaing him. I could see kaz was suffering so I told them it was nice to meet them but me and kaz needed to go do homework and they were fine with it.

Maya just saved me and so u showed her my room and we went up. She loved my room she thought it was cute and she did her perfect cute giggle that I love so much.

Maya's POV
So we went to his room and it was amazing except for all you could see out hi window was a storm starting to come. But I didn't mind as long as I'm with him. Then when I was looking out his window I was startled because I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and I jumped back. Kaz said t was only him and I looked up. He is taller then me.

It was so funny when I scared Maya she jumped right into my arms and she was perfect the way she looked up. I love how Maya is short because it makes it better when we kiss because everything is better with her around.

Maya POV
I was about to kiss my boyfriends when my phone bleeped yet again. It was my mum.
Mom-hey sweetie where r u
Maya-I'm at kaz
Mom-can u stay there the night the storm is pretty bad
Maya-yh sure ok mom
----end of convo----
I looked at kaz and he nodded at me and smirked.

Yes finally she and I can hav like a sleepover and get to know each other better. I went into my drawers and got her out a top that was big on her so she didn't need bottoms. We got on to my bed and she laid her head on my chest and I put my head on hers and we watched a movie but Maya fell asleep so I put a blanket over the two of us so she wouldn't get cold.

So this chapter was a lot about Maya and kaz and there 1 year anniversary there isn't going to be much of Lucas but a lot of Riley and Oliver so yh

1) do u have blonde hair
2)are you quite short
3) have u met a boys family
1)no but I have blonde streaks
3) yes I have met a boys family

You will be mine forever~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن