winter of first year, december

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winter of first year, december

         Contrary to her expectation, living with Killio Hirozawa was bearable.

Though, she would be lying if she were to say adjusting was easy. It wasn't. It certainly wasn't. Lyra have to get rid some of her habits; like letting the dishes dry until she forgot to return them to the dishing rack, like how she would randomly place her shoes in the shoe rack. She have to tweak some of her rituals so she could live in the same space as Kio with harmony. She also have to learn a lot of things so both her and Kio could live in comfort. It wasn't easy because Killio Hirozawa is a little difficult to cater.

And living in the same space as him in the last six months just proves none but.

Killio works like a clock, Lyra notice. He have a ritual he rigorously follow, to the point it wasn't hard to get used to it.

Every weekdays, he starts his day by having a bath. The time depends on his school schedule. Some days he'll woke up at 6 AM, while some days, he'll woke up at 8. After taking a bath, Kio would already be out in his slacks and t-shirt with a towel hanging by his neck while he cooked breakfast. On their first month, he kindly included her when he cooked, it lessen as the time flew by. This days, it only happens occasionally. Lyra would do the same at times too. Before having his breakfast, he'll turn the television on to listen to the morning news and if not, he'll read the newspaper while having his breakfast. He would then brush his teeth, wore his uniform, grab his bag back, turn the TV off before wearing his school shoes by the entrance and leave for school with a simple, "I'll go ahead."

Then, she wouldn't see him throughout the whole afternoon until he'll come back home. Most of the time, he'll be home early and if not, he's probably out. Either working on a school project or hanging out with his friends. Lyra would know if he's out with his friends though, since he would often stop by to change his clothes. And if that's the case, he would simply tell her that I'll be out late. Make sure to lock the door. And then, he's out again.

Most of the time, their evenings are spent simply. When he got home, Kio would stay in his room for few minutes and once he's out, he is already in his house clothes. He would go around the house doing some light cleaning when it's his schedule before he'll cook dinner. Kindly enough, when they're both home in the evening, Kio would cook enough for the two of them. ( Since Lyra already expressed her willingness to share groceries together, sometimes Kio would use some of her ingredients ). Depending on the schedule, it's either Kio or Lyra who would wash the dishes. Most of the time, they did it separately. After dinner, Kio would be on the living room, listening to the evening news flashing on the screen while he scroll through his phone. Once the news finished, he would go back to the kitchen to brush his teeth and the remainder of the night would be spent in his room. He's probably doing his home work, Lyra doesn't have any idea, all she knew is that Kio often head off the bed late. Most nights, she'll hear him shuffling through the kitchen, fetching a glass of water or when she's also up late doing her school work, she'll hear the doors closing and opening. Probably Kio doing his business in the bathroom.

They're basically living their own lives and schedule despite staying in the same place and throughout the entirety of six months, Lyra was already contented with fact that she could converse with Kio casually. It's not like it fill the gap or chipped the wall between them, but there's an improvement. Lyra likes to think it's progress. It could've been more difficult if Kio were to think she's a weirdo and a creep if she ended up not playing it cool in front of him. She also learned that living in the same space as the guy you like, that's definitely not interested in you, is difficult. But she'll live, she think. It would gradually get better.

One step at a time.

Throughout the six months, she also took notice of the things that Kio seems to enjoy doing during weekends. On Friday nights, if he's not doing some school work, then he's often up having an anime marathon. Instead of newspapers, he'll be reading some books and mangas in the morning. And then he'll spend the rest of his Saturday either holed up in his room studying or in the living room either reading mangas or watching movies. And after having dinner, he'll spend the entirety of the night watching true crime documentaries. By Sunday, Kio would woke up exceptionally early. He'll be out of the house around 7 AM and would be back sweating. She soon learned he's out on Sundays jogging on the nearby park, sometimes, he's also at the gym. Lyra learned it depends on his schedule. Not that she really got to know his schedule, but noticing the little change in his routine from the first semester and second semester, makes her think it's the reason.

It's really hard to cater Killio Hirozawa but Lyra prefer not being seen as a hindrance so she tried hard not to be seen as one and frankly enough, she also notice how Kio is adjusting to her presence.

He would often cook for her when he notice she didn't have dinner or when she's running late, he'll leave some breakfast for her, too. He'll often wake her up if he notice she's going to be late for school. And if she got her hands full with school, he'll took it upon himself to do her assigned chores for the day. Lyra would often do the same for him, too.

She also notice how Kio adjusted with her shininegans. How he would let the lights stayed off when he arrived on her having a movie marathon, or how he would share his snacks with her. Or how he would let her use the bathroom first instead even though it will affect his routine. It's small things that probably wouldn't mean much to others but to Lyra, it's everything that counts.

At least, she thinks, she's getting along well with Kio and that's more than enough she could ever ask for.


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