winter of fourth year, december

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winter of fourth year, december

           Allira feel helpless.

It's been days since her 'argument' with Kio and it's been days since she'd been trying to reconcile with him. She's reminded again that the guy she really, really loves share someone else's DNA. That Kio is Leo's twin and Kio is Leo's younger brother and right now, Kio is acting just like how Leo would.

Rude. Snob and definitely hard to cater. It doesn't help that Kio's barely home and if he is, he pretends he's busy. Allira doesn't know if he's pretending though, she likes to think, like the stupid girl that she is, that Kio is just pretending. ( She knows better. Of course, Kio is really busy. He's busy preparing for his future and chasing for something Allira will never see nor understand. She knows better. )

She got her friends, she got people around her who always check on her and ask her how she'd been. She have Tori sending her daily messages. She have Avery who'd been sending foods, expensive treats her way. She have Amara who's trying to keep her updated with what Kio have been up to. She have Isa and Bella who always accompany her at school. She have people around her and yet, couldn't tell any of them because she knew they will never understand.

She realize right then what Kio meant. That telling people, giving them knowledge and information can put them in danger and keeping silent might be the only way to keep people close to her safe. What if she tell any of them that there are people following after her? That they are sending her death threats now? What if those people started following them instead?

She remember the hooded silhouette, the black shoes and fading footsteps. Then the glint of the gun and knife under the moonlight.

She almost died that night.


        "Tangi," it's rare for her to see Kio in the house this days especially since he'd been avoiding her. It's even rarer to have him in the house when she's also present and when the opportunity present itself, Allira merely took the chance and jump on it.

She chase after Killio. "Tangi naman, eh. Kio, please? Kausapin mo naman ako, oh."

But he pretends she's not there and let her words die in the air. She feels like crying but it's not like crying will solve anything. She remember how Killio hates all those characters who cries in movies. She don't want him to hate her.

"Tangi, please. Kio, kausapin mo ako, please." She begged. It didn't even down to her that she sounded both desperate and pathetic. She just wanted to talk to him and that's all she could ever think about.

"Tangi," she purse her lips and couldn't stop the tears from falling when Kio didn't even bat an eye towards her.

She sob and Killio finally look her way.

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