spring of third year, march

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spring of third year, march

           Sunmer break is finally here.

Allira couldn't hide the joy and relief as everyone around her chatter endlessly about the upcoming  break. Who doesn't like breaks? Allira definitely love them. Just sitting in her room all day doing art and listening to music is something she'll die for. Her school works can suck ass.

She already passed all her requirements, took her finals and — and don't get her started with the recording! It went well and it was already undergoing the competition. She cried buckets when they finished recording the song, with her voice. Her, singing to it. It's so therapeutic. All her life she thinks she only got blessed with her hands — she never saw herself singing for something big and serious as that project. Both her and Kio's hard work definitely payed off.

When she reach home, she can finally feel the accumulated stress and fatigue in the pass few weeks slowly seeping out and they finally dissipate when she fell flat on her mattress, passing out few minutes later.

She only then awoke to the sound of repetitive knocks, and it immediately sinks to her that it was Kio on the other side, calling her name. It draws a smile on her lips and a thump, thump, thump beneath her chest. She feels alive.

            Living with Killio is something Allira doesn't know how to put in words.

Unlike the previous years, Kio have become a little sociable. Allira could finally confidently call herself his friend now. They often talk and joke around whenever they are home. Share meals whenever they could, and even slide to each other's dms for random reason. ( They even meet at school sometimes to have snacks! ) She could hold casual conversation with him now without choking on the nervousness lumping her throat and can even interact with him without going deaf with the pounding of heart.

She and Kio really did become friends now — but it didn't make the thumpthumpthump beneath her chest any lesser. It still did, and the sight of him still leave her breathless.

They are currently having their dinner, prepared by Killio himself. Allira could feel the edges of her lips twitching upwards, and the swell in her chest as Kio's laughter reverberate in the air and to her ears. She let her gaze linger on him, at his face, his smile then his eyes — his eyes, ( Allira thinks, sees a whole different world she couldn't see. See something she couldn't. His eyes are dull and dark and sometimes she wonders what makes them nothing but. ) are so, so pretty. She likes to think they are gleaming under the artificial light as he shared how his day went with her. With her.

"Oh, right. Are you free after dinner?" Lyra immediately ponder. It definitely isn't the first time Killio is asking her something like that, yet it isn't often either. But she ponder anyway, it didn't even occur to her what brought on his question.

"Yep, wala na naman din akong gagawin. Bakasyon na kaya!" She beamed and he responded with chuckles of his own as he shook his head with a smile tugging his lips.

"Sabi ko nga," he snorts. "Meet me later. May ipapakita ako sa'yo." She nodded almost instantly. Not even a hint of wonder nor suspicion but plain excitement and innocent grin as she agreed.

"Okay, Kio!" She answers.

        Just as planned, she met Kio after she finished her night routine, dressed in her pastel pink matching pajama, Killio waited for her in their living room, dressed in a black hoodie and grey sweatpants that makes him looks so so comfy.

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