Sorting Hat Drama Part 2

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Third's POV

Amaryllis felt surprised at the sight of a demigod, especially one from Hades' line. She did sense the presence of a few demigods but never imaged that someone so famous in the demigod world to be in Hogwarts. Her excitement at being at Hogwarts rose just the tiniest bit.

"Mandy Brocklehurst," Professor McGonagall announced.

Amaryllis watched as a blonde haired girl similar in height to her approach the Sorting Hat. It took a few seconds before the hat shouted, "RAVENCLAW!"

The table in blue clapped louder than the other tables as their new member joined them. Mandy sat next to a older girl with a bright smile while she waited for another first year to join her.

"Lavender Brown."

The next was taller then Amaryllis which made the black haired witch pout slightly, she hated and loved her height. The only judge advantage of it was people underestimating her, she loved proving people wrong. Amaryllis attention was brought by the announce of Lavender's house.


The red clothed table cheered loudly for their new member. Amaryllis winced slightly at the loud sounds coming from the Gryffindor table, she silently hoped that she wouldn't go there. But she knew from her teachers to not judge the whole house on the actions of a few.

"Terry Boot."

This time the hat took its time before shouting out Terry's house. Some anxious first years watched with waited breath, hoping that they wouldn't be in the same situation. The hate opened it's mouth and shouted, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The third Hufflepuff joined the other first years on the yellow clothed table, choosing to sit next to Hannah Abbott. Terry found Nico fascinating and terrifying at the same time, there was something about his eyes that made Terry blush.

A cheerfully Susan Bones joined her best friend in Hufflepuff as well, seeming to be excited to be in the same house. Millicent Bulstrode entered Slytherin like the rest of her family, but her seem to long for the blue clothed table.

Amaryllis looked closely at the currently person sitting underneath the hat, a Vincent Cable. Wrapped around was a red hue, violently swirling around the boy's body. Of course the hue wasn't visible to those without the 'Sight' as Amaryllis calls it. Tears escaped her eyes at using the 'Sight', it hurt her to use but was extremely helpfully. Apparently, it was something her mom had which brought her joy at having another thing in common with her mom.


The table in green clapped slowly and respectful in unison, neither loud or low. They needed to show a untied front, even if members had bad blood between each other. After all, most of the other houses hated them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Percy watched as students were separated into different houses, seeming to even split up friends. He didn't really like the concept of not even sitting with your friends from other houses. It's like it was force into them that they had to make friends within their own house.

"Percy Jackson."

The demigod jerked forward to approach the hat, his finger twitched with nerves. He faced monsters far greater then a worn out hat.

"Oh my. What a sad life you have faced little one."

Percy narrowed his eyes, unseen by the students due to the hat covering his eyes. He dislike having someone in his head, not even the gods, hated the feeling that someone has seen his memories. His private and personal memories.

"Worry not, Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon. I am spelled to never reveal anything that I have seen unless the person in question is in danger."

"What kinda danger?" Percy questioned back in his mind, he thought about the monsters that came for demigod children. Thankfully, Hecate made them all charms that masked their scent from monsters but if close enough they will be recognised.

"Worry not, monster of your kind have been spelled to never set foot on the ground. The human kind of danger, you understand."

And Percy did. He remembered his awful step father, may he rest in the Underworld, Gabe Ugliano. Gods, that men haunted his dreams more then some of the monsters he faced.

"Enough of this sorrow topic, let's see what house you belong to."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Amaryllis stared at the boy underneath the hat with widen eyes. Percy Jackson, the real Percy Jackson was at Hogwarts alongside her. She heard many tales of Percy from the words of her father's subordinates. Many were impressed with the young demigod, with his achievements and accomplishments.


The black haired witch nodded in agreement, Gryffindor fitted him perfectly. Though by the expression on his face, he didn't seem to happy about it. Still the Gryffindor table greeted him with the same enthusiasm as they did with the other first years.

Amaryllis watched another boy with a familiar red hue surrounding him, but the hue this time felt warm and seem to bring comfort and relief to the boy. Neville Longbottom was his name, Amaryllis promised herself to look out for the sweet seeming boy. She watched him watch to the Gryffindor table with the hat still on his hand which brought her a small warm smile onto her face.

Her emerald eyes widen in astonishment as another boy, this time with a golden hue that swirled around the boy castle and wildly, stepped up to the hat. It was the boy that was searching around the train for a 'Harry Potter' which confused her but back to the white blonde haired boy whose name happened to be Draco Malfoy. She remembers seeing the name Malfoy  in a book about the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the Malfoy come up as one of them.

Her attention drifted into a name she heard early on the train was called. Her eyes inspected the boy with the same last name as hers. She and the boy had similar features, expect the fact that her eyes were more lively. She gasped as her minds connected what the boy truly was.

"Disgusting! Dumbledore, what have you done! This is a fake, a golem with no soul!" The hat shouted. The hall got quiet, Amaryllis pulled out a empty notebook. With a wave of her name, the name of her father appeared.

"Minerva! Snap out of your confusion and take me off this fake's head!" The hat snapped in anger and disgust.

Professor McGonagall quickly took he hat off the 'fake' with shaking hands. Her eyes hide confusion and suspicion.

"Now, now. We need to get Harry Potter sorted," Dumbledore snipped, his eyes twinkling like usually. The hat huffed and shouted at McGonagall again.

"Call Amelia Bones, this is a crime against magic."

A/N: Actually a little proud of myself with this chapter. It took a bit of research and brain power (lol) to decided on whose house the demigods and Amaryllis would be in. Also going alongside the Harry Potter series (book version), the Sorting was done in alphabetical order by their last names. Will be posted in a extra incase someone forgets *cough* me *cough*. Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed.

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