A Lesson With (Old) People

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Third POV

Amaryllis grew steadily and smoothly for the past few years, when Chaos believed her old enough brought in tutors to teach her everything about magic. Even though she seemed to have the theory part done perfectly. Chaos wanted the best for his daughter which resulted in him travelling back into time to retrieve the four founders of the great Hogwarts.

"Amaryllis, come and great your tutors," Chaos announced the moment his daughter came downstairs. The black-haired witch glanced at the four, her magic glasses sensed a strong presence of magic coming from each of them.

"Good day, Lord Gryffindor, Lady Ravenclaw, Lady Hufflepuff, and Lord Slytherin. I, am Amaryllis Potter, Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Potter," Amaryllis said politely with a short curtsy.

The four looked pleasantly surprised, Rowena smiled feeling that this witch is gonna change the world. After Amaryllis introduced herself, the four founders decided to discuss how to teach the young witch. During the discussion, Rowena wrote down everything said as a list.

"Lady Hufflepuff shall school Healing Magic, Music Magic, Herbology, and Care of Mythical & Magical Creatures.  Lord Gryffindor shall school Magic Transformation, Charms, Transfiguration, Archery & Combat, and Grey Magic. Lady Ravenclaw shall school Mind Magic (Legilimency and Occlumency), Ancient Runes & Writing Magic, History of Magic, and Astronomy. I shall school Magic Sensing, Potions & Bodkins (Daggers), Dark Magic, and Magic Languages with Lady Ravenclaw," Salazar said, his tone held a slight unnoticeable Irish accent. However, Amaryllis seemed to noticed and turned to glaze at him deeply in thought.

"I shall start," Helga voiced before anyone could say anything. Salazar glanced at yellow dressed woman, then turned to stay back at his lover. It wasn't known by many that Salazar and Godric were happily married even though others thought Godric had a wife and three children. The two feared banishment by their clans which resulted in them being silent about it. Rowena was the first to find out after seeing the two kiss, she took it surprisingly well. However, Helga took it hard since she held a small crush on Salazar. She avoided them for a few months into the idea finally gotten three her. But Salazar didn't believe Helga would be that calm. She was as cunning as one of his snakes.

Amaryllis noticed the tense air between Helga and the two other wizards. She said nothing and founded the yellow dressed witch outside the mansion.

A/N: Salazar's words were translated by a Modern English to old English translate. Any mistakes, are on me. It will be like that for the other chapters.

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