Hogwarts Train

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Third POV

Hermione couldn't contain her excitement while boarding the train, a new adventure of magic awaits her. A smile graced her face as she entered an empty compartment. She struggled for a few seconds to place her trunk on the overhead rack. She sat down and opened up a book to pass the time.

Few minutes passed into she was interrupted by light knocking. Her brown eyes landed similar hazel brown eyes. The eyes belonged to a chubby-face with dirty blonde hair. She waved the person to come inside with a friendly smile.

"H-hi, can I sit here? My n-name is Neville-e Longbottom," the fellow first year asked. Hermione felt relieved to not be the only one nervous. She nodded and introduced herself. "Oh, you're a muggleborn?"

"Yes, is that a problem?" Hermione asked with a frown. She read all about the blood status terms and knew that some purebloods, as they call themselves, were bigots. She hopes that Neville wasn't one of them. The boy shook his head quickly but told her that some students will have a problem with that fact. Her face twisted into confusion but dropped the strong desire to ask questions about it.

The two chatted for a bit, Neville told her a bit about living in the magical world. Hermione talked about her parents occupation as dentists, which frightened Neville, and her excitement at learning. Their conversation came to halt when the pureblood realised that his toad was missing.

"Let's check around!"


Percy eyed the lifeless emerald eyes with suspicion. Beside the lifelessness, there was something unnerving about them. He wanted to question about it but the redhead seemed protective over the owner of the lifeless eyes. The redheads protectiveness remained Percy of a child not wanting anyone to take away his favourite toy. Leo mentally noticed the weirdness of the redhead, named Ron, and the lifeless eyes, named Harry.

He turned to portray his silent message through his eyes to Nico and Will. Sadly, the two were chatting over the school box's so Leo turned to Percy who seem more interested in the view. He sighed internally before unwrapping one of the Acid Pops that was bought during their trip in the market area.

Ron took notice of the sweet and grew hungry at the sight. He turned and elbowed Harry causing the boy to jerk slightly. The dull eyed boy reaches into a brown punch and pull out a few coins. He handed them to Ron who gained a toothy grinned.


Amaryllis gently handed the toad back to his owner. The bushy haired eyed her suspiciously seeming not to believe that someone was smarter then her. Amaryllis couldn't be bothered to correct her views but she did asked to join their compartment.

A/N: Okay, so not be confused. Amaryllis going into fourth year because she is extremely talented and her father doesn't want her bored with the first year classes. The demigods will be going into first year, only because they need to learn how to use magic even though Hecate helped them out a bit with putting information in their head about the wizarding world. Also sorry for the late and short chapter, I was having trouble continuing writing.

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