Spending Time With Father

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Third POV

Lately after Amaryllis completed most of her studies, she spent the remaining time with her father before the start of Hogwarts' fourth semester. To be honest, Amaryllis had no real need to study at Hogwarts but finally after some thought to see where her mother study at. Her father felt neither displeasure nor content at her decision, deciding to place his trust in his daughter. Her professors and founders of Hogwarts, felt rejoiced at her decision mostly wanting to know the progress of Hogwarts.

The first thing Amaryllis did with her father was riding a mortal rollercoaster. She always wanted to experience one after seeing it on the telly once. The trip ended with the black-haired witch mostly throwing up from nausea. After that she refused to ever ride one again.

During her trips to the mortal world, the founders decided to join along in desire to see the modern world. Unsurprisingly, Lady Ravenclaw kept herself in a local Library for months into the librarian finally kicked her out. Helena felt saddened for a few days before founding a museum to explore.

Lord Gryffindor dragged his husband, Lord Slytherin to a local zoo to see the loins and snakes of course. Amaryllis always found amusement seeing the refined and uptight professor blush under the teasing words of his spouse. (They recently gotten married after founding out it was more accepted.)

Of course, Lady Hufflepuff followed behind them without hiding the clear rage in her eyes. She broke multiple pillars with her uncontrollable magic. Amaryllis was hopeless with dealing with such a jealous witch.

The black haired witch soon decided to leave the situation to Lord Slytherin. She ran towards the elephants with her father following behind. Her eyes gleamed with excitement at seeing the animals, though her heart was a bit saddened at the fact they were caged.

Chaos seemed to notice his daughter sadness. He turned and talked to a manager nearby. Quickly, the zoo became his which astonished his daughter. The day ended with him closing the zoo and moving the animals back to their natural habitats.

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