Our Missing Saviour

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Third POV

For the past three weeks, Albus Dumbledore has been trying to find the missing saviour before anyone found out. However, it seemed the journalist; Rita Skeeter, managed to get a hold of the information. After the newspaper released to the public, Dumbledore has been sent numerous howlers from worried wizards and witches.

Frustrated at the journalist witch, Dumbledore was forced to create a fake copy of the saviour. But the small fact that their saviour happens to be a girl slipped from the old wizard's head. Albus sent the copy to be raised by one of his loyal followers, Molly Weasley, who was very excited at the new guest.

Harry Potter, the name of the fake copy, could only work with a limited amount of spells. Dumbledore felt anguished with that fact but made sure Harry only knew the basics of spells.

Molly's husband, Arthur felt uncomfortable with the lifeless person living in the same house as his children. The couple got into many arguments which resulted in Molly forcefully altering her husband's memory. She thought nobody would find out, but seemed to not notice the two watching eyes.

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Amaryllis felt a strong sneeze coming but then went away. She angrily stared in front of her, she was all prepared to cover it but then it left! She sighed and rested her chin onto her hand while vaguely paid attention to the lesson going on.

"Potter! Pay attention," Lord Slytherin barked at the young witch. He's tone held displeasure and dissatisfaction. His lessons forced observance and awareness, one mistake could cost someone or yourself their life.

"Yes Professor Slytherin!" Amaryllis responded back. She took her chin off her hand and intently listened to the lesson at hand. The lord smiled softly before putting an serious expression back on.

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