Hecate's Request

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Third POV

Hecate gently caressed the soft neck of her familiar, Evangeline as her eyes traced the magically written words that currently continued to update into it stopped at the most important piece of information. Britain's Wizarding World's Saviour Missing?!?

Before the letter could update again, it bursted into a purplish fire as anger filled the goddess. Her familiar, a pearl white hellhound especially made for her protection and company by Hades, sensing her mistress' anger, used her nose to gently nudge her side. Hecate took a deep breath and calmed down slowly.

She waved her hand, magically summoning a marble bowl with ancient Greek text. The bowl was filled to the brill with shimmering clean water. She dropped one of her fingers into the cold water saying, "Contact Nico di Angelo."

The water started to turn a creamy white colour, the nude figure of Nico di Angelo appeared. Hecate stared at the sickly paste body without any shame. The demigod blushed ferociously, added colour to his sickly pale cheeks. He hurried around to put on clothing before greeting the goddess.


Nico looked over the information magically sent by Hecate. His boyfriend, Will wrapped his arms around his waist bringing him closer to his chest. Nico's eyebrows furrowed as an unexplainable emotion passed through his eyes.

"Am I allowed to follow?" Will asked. He had a small interest in magic but never really dipped into it. Nico nodded and moved out of his arms to gather his supplies.

The door opened and revealed Percy followed by Leo. The two were carrying a satchel with Hecate's symbol stitched onto them.

"Ready for a new adventure!" Leo shouted with a bright smile. Will chuckled while Nico rolled his eyes at the excited demigod. Percy looked at the scene blankly, his calloused hands tightened around the satchel.

A/N: It has been very long since I last written a Percy Jackson fanfiction which results in forgetting how they act. Anyway, I always don't remember how Percy and the demigods talk/greet the gods so I skipped that part because of that. Tried my best though, so I hope you enjoy it.

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