Fun Time With Titans

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Third POV

It was strange, Percy thought while staring around at the sight given to him. Tartarus changed a lot during the times Percy spent above on Gaea. His thoughts turned dark when he remembered the unjust banishment. After all Percy has sacrificed, this is what he got in return.

"Hey, son of Poseidon. Have a sip. It's not gonna hurt you," a voice said with a chuckle, Percy recognised as King Tantalus. He hesitated for a second before taking a sip of the offered drink. It wasn't like Percy could die.
Another punishment given by the Gods, was immortal. Some may be blessed but for Percy it was the worst punishment he could think of,

"Thanks, King Tantalus," Percy said. He bowed in respect even though King Tantalus did a terrible thing to land in Tartarus. Tantalus laughed and slapped the back of Percy before moving on.

Percy surprisingly wasn't surprised at the treatment given to him by the others that took residence in Tartarus. He sighed and finished the offered drink, it made him slightly dazed which only meant that it had something alcoholic in it.

Percy glanced around, his eyes dimmed at the sight of Tartarus. His body started to shake unconsciously. He moved away, not wanting the Primordial to see him. It didn't seem to work, when Tartarus started walking closer to the demigod.

"Perseus, can we talk for a moment?" Tartarus asked. Percy could tell the primordial was nervous and couldn't help thinking why.

"Y-yeah," Percy responded, internally scowling at the slight stuttered.

"I want to apologise for everything that I have done to you."

Percy's sea blue eyes widen in surprised shock. The primordial chuckled at the reaction understanding why it was surprising. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am," Tartarus said with a small smile. It looked a little out of place in the usual serious primordial. "Now let's have some fun."

The Unknown Primordial {Harry Potter x Percy Jackson Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now