The stray dandelion...

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A sunny day, sunshine dawns to world once again
To humans, to animals, and to flowers at garden
Seems of a normal day, but problems unspoken
Illicit deeds, violent actions and words forbidden

A lonely dandelion, once was in one group of flowers
Once many admired the group, admired by watchers
But soon, each one of them leaves, picked by owners
Given to people, celebrities, family and to lovers

Until one is left...leaving the dandelion astray
The rest became decorations, or maybe a gift
Maybe sold or trampled and fell on taxi lift
Or wither and lit, in the middle of the street

The dandelion so lonely, imagines where they are
Seeing them be on where they are, admiring from afar
But at night, he saw the sky, the moon and billion of stars
Never saw such sight, not until the tall flowers left, he can't par

He wasn't able to see, the beauty of the world, not till he was left
He wasn't able to see  things should be appreciated, moments reft
As an artist, drawing and painting on his palette
Shows, he will not shine the most...if not to be left alone...

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