A Heartfelt Adieu

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Take a flower for this and a poem I will make

Where I was hurt and heart stabbed with a stake

My heart trembling and severely in shake

Breaking my soft heart, melting like a snowflake

I wither away in the abyss I dropped and fell at

The burning soul in me will soon lit and lie flat

Its time to give up on escaping, putting down the hat

I lost it my feelings and emotions. Cannot see this and that.

It sucked my love out,
cold and dry.

I can't do it anymore,
even if I try.

I am ok...I say it as a
covering lie.

I turn my back,
relieve my pain with a sigh.

I loved you a lot,
saying it makes me shy.

My dear love for you makes
my existence high.

But here I stand before you,
trying not to cry.

This is your last adieu, to my feelings before it will fly.

This my last poem to you, my last stand before you.

May this heartfelt journey, may you remember a few.

The lovely ones and broken ones, even the funny ones too.

In this I let go...o,
what shall I do?

Time is running out, I dont even know what to say.

The ink on my pen is slowly fading through its way.

In this poem I tell...in a performance not need to pay.

I bid you farewell, and a happy life I do pray.

I would love you to stay, but to another peson you're meant

You not need of me
through your next chapter, I can't

But I would be reading every word, every sentence you sent.

Crying, laughing and reminiscing the joys under my tent.

The day I saw you and a cupid shot thtough my chest.

Looking at you and fell for you with no rest.

The button of no return of loving you I pressed.

To the day you hooked up
my interest.

From the day I bought you flowers, the day I held your hand.

The day I told you that I will
take the stand.

The day we hanged - out, where everything was grand.

The time I thought biscuit I ate was similar to sand.

To the first time to the last time I hugged you tight.

Now we ended up
cold and no light.

Now you will hug, love,
hold and fight.

With another person, where stopping you I have no right.

I hope you saw these efforts and experience of the past.

This last poem doesn't have
hate to cast.

Its just a poem of farewell, and a rollercoaster back to the blast.

Where I enjoyed our time the most, til the time I have to finish fast.

Now time to close the curtains and leave the stage.

You have to continue to your next page.

Don't let this goodbye make you in cage.

Its just that my emotions are here to engage.

Farewell my beloved Angel, in where thou be we will meet again?

Would it be another season or in years of ten?

In which place will we be at? A mountain? a garden?

We shall see soon, but goodbye I say...see you at the next gen.

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