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Welcome, everyone reading this! This is my fanfiction of the willow falls series according to what I think it could be after The Last Present. I know that Graceful is coming out soon, so just bear with me now.
This is a non finished fanfiction which means that I probably won't be finishing it but I want to show you guys what I have so far, but you have to promise not to get upset when I say that I have nothing else when I am up to the point where I stopped. I have major writers block for this story (literally, since I wasn't able to touch it since several months ago) but hopefully things will start happening in my messed up head and I will be able to give you guys some good stuff later on. But for now, its just this authors note for today... By tomorrow or the day after, I'll have the first chapter of what I have posted. I have no school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so there's always then to type it up for you guys to enjoy!
(Hmmm maybe I have some time today to type it up, but I'm NOT making any promises, you understand me?)

Alright, please enjoy this fanfiction, and I'll see you guys later!
Vote, comment and follow!

To Be Graceful: A Willow Falls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now