Operation Nublar

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Darius watched from the bushes as Scourge walked up to Lewis Dodgson and Daniel Kon. He couldn't hear their conversation however Scourge then walked over to the place Darius was hiding and started to drag him by the arm.

It was rough enough to pull him a long but not hard enough to cause him pain. Darius looked at the four mind controlled dinosaurs which stood silently.

"Throw him in the genetics lab when we reach there, and I want to you to send a 'distress message' to the shatterdome's." Daniel ordered and Scourge nodded.

"And then engage the rescue party."

The nine foot tall giant then motioned for the dinosaurs and everything to follow him. They walked for what seemed liked hours.

They even managed to acquire a Dimetrodon and a Yangchaunosaurus along with a Metricanthosaurus. Scourge motioned for the others to hide in the bushes along with the dinosaurs.

Scourge then dragged Darius inside and placed him down against a table and activated the distress beacon.

Meanwhile in the Anchorage shatterdome LOCCENT received the distress beacon's signal. "Something isn't right." Tendo muttered as he looked at the signal.

He then called Stacker into LOCCENT. "What do you mean by we received a distress beacon from Isla Nublar?" Stacker asked.

"I don't know but I have a feeling it's no people left on the island after the incident." Tendo answered.

"Do you know if it originated from the Nublar shatterdome or not?" Stacker asked.

"It's originating from the genetics lab." Tendo answered.

Stacker rubbed his chin and then said. "Get Ranger Olivo over here from Tokyo, now."

Tendo just nodded in reply. "And get Ranger's Kon and Hansen in here along with cadet Glantin." Stacker added.

As soon as the two rangers and cadet entered LOCCENT Ben noticed the distress beacon.

He could already tell what the mission was going to be about. "Let me guess you want us to go find whatever or whoever is making that signal operate?" Ben asked.

"Yes but he careful, at the slightest sign of trouble I want you three out of there." Stacker said.

"Copy that marshal." Ben said as they left to get suited up.

Soon enough Striker eureka, November Ajax, and Nova superstar were airlifted out of the shatterdome.

"This Jaeger suit feels kind of heavy." Brooklynn admitted.

"You'll get used to it." Ben said.

The strike team was then dropped down nearly in front of the laboratory which they entered. Flood lights activated.

The group approached a table and looked down seeing a familiar face. "Darius?" Kenji asked.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked weakly.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Kenji said crouching down to look at him.

However they then heard a loud thud like noise.

"Oh no." Darius muttered.

"The hell was that?" Kenji asked looking in the direction the sound came from.

"Stay here, we'll check it out." Ben told Darius as he led them into the darker part of the laboratory.

Brooklynn looked around when something grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground and started to choke her.

Kenji and Ben turned around and watched as Brooklynn was thrown aside.

Ben fired his pulse gauntlet when he was hit in the side of his chest with a hammer like weapon.

Kenji activated November Ajax's taser fists and punched the person repeatedly but was thrown aside.

Ben flicked out his sting blades and charged at the man but he grabbed Ben's right arm and twisted it.

Ben yelled in pain and deactivated his blades and grabbed his arm. Ben watched as the hammer was brought close to his face.

He was about to stand up when the hammer hit him in the face and he was sent flying.

Striker's conn pod helmet hit the ground and the man picked it up. "As I suspected. The great striker eureka is nothing... but a child." The man said and he threw the helmet next to Ben.

He stepped out of the shadows and Ben's eyes went wide in shock.

The man was more then nine feet tall. Brooklynn and Kenji rushed over to Ben's side.

"Brooklynn, we're leaving. Now!" Kenji exclaimed and Brooklynn picked up Striker's conn pod helmet and activated Nova superstar's plasma caster.

Kenji started dragging Ben away from the man. "Marshal Pentecost do you read me? We have a Jaeger suit casualty." Kenji said into his comm unit.

"Ben stay with us! Ben!" Kenji yelled as Ben passed out. Brooklynn motioned for Darius to follow them and they ran.

"So what's the plan?!" Brooklynn asked as they ran.

"We get a bird to get us off this damn island." Kenji replied as he slung Ben over his shoulders.

"This stacker Pentecost, I'm sending birds to evacuate you as we speak." Stacker said over the comm channel.

"There's the Jumphawk!" Kenji said watching as the Jumphawk helicopter landed.

Kenji placed Ben down inside the helicopter while Darius sat down. "Brooklynn get in!" Kenji shouted.

"You guys go, I'll make sure you get out of here." Brooklynn said stepping off the ramp plasma caster activated and threw Striker's conn pod helmet and her dog tags to Kenji.

She fired at two mercenaries that were running towards the helicopter killing them.

A few more shot their guns at her and she fired back in response. Kenji watched as the ramp slowly closed.

Brooklynn was hit the the chest by the tail of a Stegosaurus which sent her flying.

Brooklynn got back to her feet and kicked another mercenary in the face.

Brooklynn felt a missile from a rocket launcher hit her in the shoulder and she fired the plasma caster at the mercenary with the rocket launcher.

Brooklynn was then felt claws scrapping against Nova superstar's back. Brooklynn knew it was the Spinosaurus and she was then sent flying by the therapod's claws.

Brooklynn watched weakly as the Jumphawk helicopter took off into the sky and she smiled weakly under the cracked visor of Nova superstar.

She then saw the Spinosaurus look down at her ready to clamp it's jaws on her head.

However a Tyrannosaurus rex rammed into it and the two therapod's began to fight.

Brooklynn passed out as the last thing she heard was the two therapod's fighting and then backing away from each other.

Inside the Jumphawk helicopter Kenji sat in silence and looked at Darius who's head was hung low. "It's my fault." Darius mumbled.

"No it's not." Kenji said.

"Yes it is, Kenji! Because of me getting on that damn boat and going to Nublar one of my friends are dead and the other is injured." Darius cried.

Kenji lowered his head. When the Jumphawk landed Kenji and Darius stepped out.

Stacker, Tendo, and Jake stood and noticed Brooklynn was not among them.

"Where's Brooklynn?" Jake asked and Kenji handed Jake her dog tags.

"She stayed behind and sacrificed herself so that we could escape." Kenji said sadly and walked away as Ben was taken to the med bay.

"We've lost another ranger." Tendo said sadly as this was the third Jaeger suit pilot to die in the line of duty.

Kenji walked over to November Ajax's hanger bay to get the armour remorse from his body.

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