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(Warning!! there is mentions of shane getting a little hansy with nora so if you don't want to read that skip to the next star after the first one)

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(Warning!! there is mentions of shane getting a little hansy with nora so if you don't want to read that skip to the next star after the first one)

AT FIRST, when Rick and his son showed up I was in my room, unknowing of the new strangers in our house. When Beth came and got me telling me there was a truck coming up the road and I had to go greet them I rushed outside with a baseball bat, surprising the crew of newcomers in the RV and motorcycle. It was my first interaction with them and my father had been the one to yell at me to not kill the new people. They joined rick and his "leadership" caring for the younger grimes and hoping for his swift return to the land of the living, or what was left of the living.

It had been a week since the boy that was shot woke. He was a kind kid, and greeted me every time I walked thought the door to give him his pain meds. I had slowly warmed up to Glenn, a boy who had the hots for my sister while also being my age. Some of the women liked my company, for reasons I didn't even know. I had more skills in hunting than any of them yet they still played housewife most days. Lori was thankful to my father and he was nice to me, Carol was grieving for her daughter and didn't have much heart to talk to me, and Andrea seemed like a stuck-up city girl, so I really didn't stop by their side of the camp.

Daryl was the only man in the group to have caught my eye. He was a recluse, didn't say much but I could tell he had assessed the whole farm in the few days they were here. He was a redneck, with a crossbow and he wasn't so bad on the eyes either. I was younger than him and I knew that but it didn't stop me from glancing at him during the day.

The farm was quiet in the beginning, Rick keeping his people in order. I was usually on the porch reading a book when Dary came around. He would from time to time sit on the porch and watch the camp, a watchful protector of sorts. He wasn't Batman, that was for sure but it didn't mean he wasn't a hero in his own way.

"You ever gonna talk or just gonna sit on the steps all day?" I asked him sitting next to him on the steps to the house. Maggie had asked me to help her for a bit inside the house and when we had finished I noticed him outside. I went and sat beside him after exiting the screen door and hearing the sound of it hitting the wood after i had opened it. He shifted when I sat but regained his posture.

Sunlight!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt