opening the gates

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There he was, standing in front of the gate. I stood to the side of the gate where I had pulled it open. I slowly crept towards the others grouping up further down the street. I kept an eye on Negan, watching his every step. As the man walked further and further into our home I knew something bad was coming with his arrival, and then the big truck unloaded and there was Daryl. Rosita placed her hand on my arm, holding me back from the man who had asked me to marry him not a few nights ago. 

A feeling of anger and sadness crashed over my tired body, I wanted to crumple under the weight that the man I loved stood in a savior prisoner outfit and I was helpless to help him. Daryl's eyes never left the man, worry covering his face underneath the hair that hung over his eyes. I knew how to read the man I loved.

"You let him go," I said walking up to Negan, his men went to swarm me, guns out when Negan raised his hand in defense.

"You're the open he threw that ring to?" He said, a small laugh raised from his chest. "I see. You want poor Daryl over there to come home to you?"

"He...he is my husband, I would like him back," I said with a lot of emotion, emphasizing the word husband I squared up to the man.
"And yet you don't wear his ring," He said, turning back to Rick who was a shell of his former self, the bat Lucelle was hanging in his hand a piece of Glen and Abraham still embellished into the bat.

"Negan?" I asked, changing my demeanor, and the man shifted himself back to me, a small smile present. "Why?.. Why do you need Rick to hold your bad, Lucelle? She took my friends...our friends' lives.." I drifted off at the end of that sentence, not sure what I was trying to say to the man.

"Ah, well Rick here needs to learn the ways of things, and if he learns you learn," He said to me, clearly intrigued by who I was.

"So you are here to ransack our home for your pleasure hu?" I asked, the snarkiness shrinking its way back into my voice.

"No, no Rick, she's speaking her mind, let her," Negan said, "This one should become one of my wives? I like her attitude" Daryl growled from afar.

"Don't you touch her" he muttered, a hard smack sounded and I tried to rush forward by Negan stopped me.

"You heard the ruled, no one looks or talks to him," he said "ill give him this, he sure wants to fight for you," Megan said, nodding his head meaning he wouldn't touch me if they wanted to break the man. "I'll leave her be," he said towards Daryl.

"All right let's get this show on the road," Negan said leading his men around Alexandria.

He went into every home taking what they pleased, including every bed in the place leaving us to sleep on the floor, again. His men took what they wanted only leaving the food and medicine in its entirety. When Negan reached my home with Carol and Daryl he took one glance at my face to see that he had found the place his.." pet"..lived before. Negan smiled entered the building and glanced around, when he entered the room I shared with him, my clothes were everywhere and the stray arrows from Daryl's crossbow were on top of our wardrobe. Negan took those, the bed, and the gun I had hidden. He left my clothes, the knife under my now abandoned pillow on the floor, the clock, a record player, and tapes. I started collecting tapes of runs I did, and remembrances for my dad and Beth. Megan did stop before he left and say the little necklace laying in the jewelry box I had by my nonexistent bed, Beth's name carved into the metal on the chain.

"Beth?" he asked, when his eyes trained on mine, I knew I would either let him take it or beg him to stop.

"My sisters" was all I could manage to say. His eyes softened and for the first time, I saw Negan as a person, a man scared of the world and only trying to hold onto what he has and the people around him. He placed it back down, understanding that it was a prestigious thing. He nodded his head at me, a sentiment of sorts from the man before the mask was bestowed back on his face. I stood in that room looking at the things left and the empty bed frame.

I cried that night, letting the loneliness of the house eat me whole as I sat there crying for the man I loved trapped in a place that wanted to change him, for Carol who left without saying goodbye, and for the grief of the friends I had lost.


I knew Eugene and Rosita were leaving the next day so that he could make her a bullet to take out Negan. I also knew she was emotional and wanted a way out of the situation she was in. She was alone, wouldn't talk to me, and never left her house. I met them at the gate before they left. Gabriel and Diana's son was also there and I didn't trust that man as far as I could throw him.

"Look...Rosita..." I said walking over to her, she defensively put her arms out.

"Nora I don't need another lecture," She told me, anger slowly filling her.

"I'm not here to lecture you, I'm here to tell you I'm still your friend, and I care. So be safe out there okay." I told her. She smiled at me and nodded her head. "And by the way dip shit, no one is a better leader than Rick even if he got us into this, he will get us out" and I left leaving the two groups to do what they were heading out to do. I stayed on gourd, hoping to see a hint of Carl and Enid, or even Rick. The person who came to the gate a few days after his unexpected arrival, sent my blood boiling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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