greene demise

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Nora was a lot of things and hot-headed had become one of them. When Daryl showed back up with a boy and without carol she was mad.

"You have got to be shitting me?" She said in a questionable tone towards Daryl, who could only look at the ground. "You leave, expecting me to be happy when you got back, and not only that you come back without Carol!" The exclamation of her words hit Daryl hard.

"I just thought.."Daryl tried his best to explain but he didn't have any way to tell her, he didn't think. He left, he wanted to get Beth back for her, so that she could be happy again. He did it for her but he didn't think to seek out Nora's help to retrieve her sister.

"No that's the thing, you didn't think Daryl," She told him. He understood now why she was mad, he didn't take the time to get her. She stormed off after that, she wanted to be alone. Her sister was alive and being held inside of a hospital, and now the woman who she considers a mother figure is there too. She had to get them back.

The plan was made that night. A few from the group left and went to go secure Beth and Carol. Nora made it her mission to get them back, and Rick wasn't going to stop her from going. Nora had her back covered by her best friend. Sasha watched her six while they tried to get some of the cops from the hospital to make a trade.


Walking inside the hospital, Nora was accompanied by her family. After everything they had been through she couldn't think of better people to help her get her sister back. She saw her sister in front of her, along with Carol. A trade. Carol walked forward and was met by Rick who helped her to the other side. A hug from Nora and Daryl brought life back into her. When Beth steps forward, Nora meets her sister. She hugged her for a long while. Beth could tell her sister was different, stronger. The change in her demeanor was evident, and the hug proved that she needed a lifeline to keep her grounded. Beth hoped Daryl could be that for her. Beth had a plan and she wasn't going to let her sister be there, and jeopardize it.

Beth stepped back over to the female cop, Nora urging her from the other side to step back and let the kid replace her. Time slowed down for Nora as she watched her sister try and stab the cop. She watched as her sister's head got blown, and she watched as her bullet flew from her gun into the cop's head. Nora collapsed after Beth, clinging to her body hoping to wake her younger sister. Daryl bent down next to her, picking up Beth for her. She stayed there for a moment before Carol and Sasha picked the girl up and helped her out.

Grief struck the whole group, but no one felt it more than the Greene sisters. While they have never been bonded in their life, this would bond them. The loss of a sister was what caused the Greene sisters to realize the importance of life and family.


The mudded ground of North Carolina welcomed Nora. She lay in a patch of grass and mud, contemplating the life she has led. Maggie was somewhere doing the same, hugging herself in the mud. Different groups had set out to look for food or water after walking hundreds of miles in the southern heat.

It was somewhere at the end of spring sometime two to three years after the end of the world. No one had any idea about the time of year or how long the world had gone to shit, but Nora had tried her best to keep a calendar around. She must be around twenty-three at this point, older and stronger.

The harshness of the concrete met the sad group on their way back from the forest. Nora still had dirt covering her back, and most of her clothes. Everyones once clean clothes were riddled with holes, stains, and dirt. In these times trying to keep clean was something that didn't happen, with the guts of walkers or the general build-up of grime from being in nature. Nora certainly wished she could wash away the grime of her skin. Maybe washing away the grime will wash away the kills. The blood still on her clothes reminded her of her kills, of the lives she took so she could live.

Daryl and Nora stayed close to one another. Nora's belt held her father's knife, her sisters and hers, and the shoelaces tied around her writs were the ones Beth wore. She had elements of those gone, to remind herself to keep living. Daryl stayed by her side, understanding the grief she felt. Neither talked, but both felt the guilt and grief from all the death. Sasha would often be found walking along with the three. She held onto her brother's clothing as well, keeping him alive in her mind. Nora and Sasha suffered more than most, and while they are best friends they both felt bonded by the death and grief they felt.

Rain could only wash away so much. Nora laid on the ground as the rain came down, Daryl and Sasha beside her. She wasn't smiling, but she felt at peace in the rain. She felt her soul was being cleansed and the grime being washed away from her face. Once the lighting started to land near, the group walked to a barn close by and held out for the night. Even with the rain outside, pounding on the wooden roof, Nora couldn't fall asleep. Daryl was beside her, like he always was, watching the door closely. He crept over in and saw the faces of the dead. He did his best to hold the door shut, Nora raced over after helping him out. She stood in front of him, arms on either side of his chest trying to hold both doors shut at the same time. Sasha was the next up, and soon the others followed as the sounds of the storm intensified. They held those doors shut until morning when most people crashed onto the ground after holding the doors close from the hord of walkers.

Still worn out from the trials they have faced, the group had optimism that something good may come. 

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