forlorn morning

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I didn't even realize that the ring was around my neck until the weight brought me back to my senses. Maggie and Sasha struggled to lift their bodies to the RV. I struggled to stand and was grateful for Rosita who gave me a hand. I nodded my head at her, words not leaving my mouth, she nodded back and gestured for me to join my sister and best friend on their journey back to the Hilltop. I knew I had to go there, to be with her for a bit, but I feared what I would find when I returned to Alexandria days later.

While I stayed with Sasha and my sister things at the hilltop were tense. Gregory, the idiot leader who ran the hilltop. Kept either trying to sleep with Maggie or to kick my sister, Sasha, and me out of his residence. Jesus tried his best to keep the peace between them and it worked for a little while. Jesus was a good man, and we were grateful for his help. The sleepless nights inside his camper were inevitable every night, so the top of his camper became my only escape. The sky was beautiful and the quiet night air contrasted the worlds around us. The occasional groan from a walker was droned out by my thoughts, so the night seemed like one back on the farm before the world had ended.

I remember when I was little, and I and Maggie had a better relationship, I would often climb onto the roof at night just to get away from the sounds of home. Maggie often was the one to find me and join me out in the humid Carolina air. Back in those days,, things seemed so much simpler, and now with the Virginia sky and air to keep me company I wished I had more time on that farm and with my family before they had all gone. I thought back to Beth, how old she would have been now she would have been around 20, and she would have been happy here. The day she died, a part of me and a part of Maggie died with her. She had always been stubborn and had always been rash, I just never knew that would be the cause of her death. I had lost so much family, blood, and found family, so much had been spilled over the years that my head swam with the names.

"Hey, you good out here," Sasha asked me. I knew I had tears on my cheeks but I knew Sasha was the person who would understand most. I nodded my head and motions her to join me. She did, she jumped up onto the roof from the railing and plopped down next to me. "You've been out here a while"

"Was just thinking" I told her, motioning to the sky and air around me, "It's quiet out here"

"Yea it is, no walker moans for miles" She joked. I laughed slightly.

"Im...."The word fell short from my mouth towards my best friend. I wanted to say I was sorry, I wanted to tell her I was here, but one look at her and I knew she knew what I was trying to say.

"I know," Sasha told me, her arm looped around my shoulder pulling me into her.

"Beth would have been 20 now," I said absently, Sasha nodded.

"But would she have been happy?"

"She would have become a Carol, sucking up to the old ladies, watching the neighbor's kids...I think if she had lived...she would have been happy at Alexandria" I said to her, Sasha laughed.

"That does sound like Beth, did she know how to cook?" Sasha asked, I grimed and laughed slightly at a memory of my father walking into the kitchen to see a black cloud covering the ceiling from one of her tries.

"God no, my father banned her from the kitchen when she was little, but I'm sure now...if she was here, she'd be a hell of a cook," I said, smiling.

"I think Tyreese would have been adamant about joining any community after what happened with the Governor and that town we tried to find," Sasha told me, I smiled. Tyreese was one of the sweetest men we had at the Prison and was a big brother to almost everyone he met.

"But ya know what, I think he really would have loved it, he would have backed and planted. I think Tyreese would have had the biggest garden at Alexandria" I told her, remembering how long ago a conversation was had and Tyreeswe talked about how he would have loved to plant a garden at the Prison if they had found any flower seeds.

"Oh boy would he have become a farmer then" Sasha laughed wholeheartedly at the thought of her brother. "He never would have left that garden alone"

"Big ol lawn chair right next to that garden," we said at the same time, remembering the jokes we used to make to Tyreese when he would talk about that dream garden. We smiled in remembrance of the two. It was quiet for a moment before I spoke.

"Maggie and I talked the other day about her baby, it's a boy," I told Sasha. I saw a look of happiness cross her face for a moment.

"Hmmm, I bet he'll look like....." she didn't finish, the subject of Gleen was still sore.

"He will '' I replied, already answering her swarming brain, her smile didn't reach her eyes at my response. "I think she plans of naming him after our dad, Hershial Rhee"

"That's a good name," she told me, "Means you might get to use Beth" I laughed and smiled knowing that my little sister's name and memory might live on if I ever have a little girl. When me and Maggie were younger we promised that if we said a name or had an idea for a name the other could never use it. After Beth died, Maggie knew I wanted to use it. She knew that I loved my little sister and wanted to remember and honor her. I also had known that Maggie wanted a Herhsal Jr. to raise, and I had learned to respect it years ago.

I had to go back home, when morning came and my spot on the couch grew warm from the sun I packed up. Sasha gave me a nod, understanding that our talk on the roof was one just for me and her. I walked out those gates and got on the horse they had lent me before I rode back to Alexandria.

Alexandria was as I left it. The houses are all in a row and the people are the same. I walked into my house with Daryl and Carol and it felt bare, both of them were gone. No lingering smell of gasoline or cookies. The absence almost stopped me in my tracks from walking any further into the house.

I wandered around the house before deciding to head over and take watch. The peace didn't last long when the saviors arrived. Multiple trucks pulled up outside the gates and Negan stepped out of the truck. I ran down the ladder and to the gate waiting for Rick to tell me and the others waiting what to do.

"Open it" I gave a hard look to him before I opened the gate and strolled Negan himself. 


Hey, guys sorry it's been so long since I have updated but I hope you enjoy this filler chapter! over the summer I will try and update more. 

and thank you so much for 2.4K reads OMG!!!!!

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