the unseen threat

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Nora knew another threat was coming, how could she not. Daryl didn't want to believe it but deep in his bones the words she spoke rang clear. She was right, and the people in this small haven were taking it for granted. The first sign of a threat was when the plan to safely evacuate all the walkers from the quarry away from Alexandria, failed. She had been on the front lines alongside Rick and Michonne. She watched as her best friend sat in a car with Abraham, the two most suicidal people she has ever met, and the love of her life just next to them on his motorbike. He had offered her a seat but she didn't want to hinder an escape if the need arose. She thought it through and Michonne decided that she wanted Nora by her side. She trusted Rick and a few others that lined the woods beside the walkers. Nora sported a new gun and her sword. She hoped she wouldn't have to use it, but if so she would make it quick and quiet.

When the plan derailed a spiral was sent inside of Nora. she knew that her inquiry about something coming was right, and now she would have to fight to prove herself wrong. More things spiraled from there, a group invaded Alexandria, harming many and leaving Nora to wonder how many more people can they lose before the population of Alexandria is too small. The Hord of walkers was next, those that wound up outside the walls threatened the interior life. With Daryl fighting for his life somewhere out in the world, Nora had to fight for the family she had inside. Carl, Rick, Judith, and Michonne - were just a few of the people she loved that she refused to lose. Lose them she almost did, watching the kid she grew close to lose his eye was proof that loss was everywhere. Instead of watching front, the sidelines as the Walkers invaded her home she stormed out with hurt and anger, and the best way to solve those was the kill the undead beings that threatened her family.

Threat number two didn't come until a few weeks after The Hord incident and Alexandria was rebuilding its defenses. Daryl, Herself, and Rick went on a simple run outside of the walls. Rick is the man that he is, insisted on bringing Nora saying that he wanted his family by his side when he goes out into this shit world to find some sort of happiness. She glowed at the gesture and hopped into the backlight kicking her lover's seat. A grunt responded to form the man who turned around to give her a glair that didn't meet his smile. Things were looking better and Carl had told Nora that she should look for the happy things in life instead of the worst. So she did her best to do so, while also keeping her keen eye out for any danger she may need to kill.

The man that had told them the information about a new community and new threat was brought back to the community by the trio, Nora became increasingly more curious. Jesus, his name was, had formed a close bond with Nora only a few hours after breaking into Ricks's house. She asked question after question, to which the not holly Jesus replied to everyone. She trusted him. She trusted Jesus because he reminded her of her father. Herschel, the god-loving father, would have liked to meet Jesus and ask him many questions about the medicine they have and the crops they plant to grow.

The Saviors became the new three, told by Jesus and the man leading Hilltop, the new community they found out about, named Gregory. When Maggie was asked to go meet ought Gregory after a fatal accident, Nora told her sister that if he did anything she wouldn't mind finishing the job for her, Maggie smiled at the small gesture her sister made. While this was the first time Nora had mentioned to Maggie that she would protect her if things come to it, it was not the last.

The second time Nora mentioned to Maggie that she would help was when the baby was giving her trouble. This was after the events of the raid on one of the Saviors bases, believed to be the only one, and after She had killed the lady that held her mother figure and her sister hostage. Carol had ever been grateful to the girl she had taken under her wing. The cry that came from Nora upon seeing her was something Carol expected. Nora would cry for very few including Carol, Daryl, and Sasha. She'd like to think a tear or two would be shed for her sister but the relationship they had was still mended by a few pieces of tape.

When Maggie was rushed back to the Hilltop they encountered the real men of the Saviors. The gravel road they sat on was dim and held heavy the feeling of doom. Nora wished she could be back home, in her bed with Daryl but history had other plans. 

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