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INEVITABLY the farm was in ruin, after Shane snuck off and Randell, a boy rick had brought back, went missing

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INEVITABLY the farm was in ruin, after Shane snuck off and Randell, a boy rick had brought back, went missing. I knew Shane was trouble the moment he stepped foot on our Farm. Beth hung onto my side while we waited, trying to figure out exactly what was going on. Things changed fast, the barn lit on fire and an army of the dead trashed the farm. I got out with Lori, T-Dog, and hung onto Beth as we ran thought the walkers. I made sure Beth was next to Lori before I hooped in the truck bed, shooting my shotgun at the dead. Beth wailed from inside the car, opening the small window to tell me to get down. As the car jerked forward the sight of the farm slowly faded from my view, and my world collapsed

Being in that car felt like forever. I heard the low rumble of the car hitting the hard road, as I glanced over to the side I saw my family. Before the car could stop I hipped out of the car and ran into my fathers arms. Maggie wrapped her arms alums me as well, opening them again when Beth ran over. I thought I had lost them, and that the new group we had found was lost too.

Daryl walked over, unsure if I wanted him near me. "your al'right" he said. It was more a statement than a question.
"yes im alright" i replied, he nodded. Carol, who was behind him, nudged him a little. He gave her a look, but she only smiled at him.
"i'm....a....sorry for ignoring to you.." he admitted. "i was worried...didn't want that group findin..." he rambled, trying to find the right words
"i know" i answered softly.
"..and he kept saying things that his group would do...ta the women... and it ain't right"
"i know" i told him, he nodded his head, "still, you were a jerk. Don't do that again, just tell me whats bothering you so I know how to help"
"I'll try not to do it again" Daryl's eyes held true to what he had said. He was scared of what he wanted, but I didn't know what that was. For someone who was scared of her own shadow I could understand the hesitancy to speak about things. The world had changed so fast and I was still trying to catch up with what had happened.

My family's dynamic has changed, My father knows what goes on in the world now and me and my sister have each other. Beth was my little sisters. I wanted to protect her from the world and I still do. I want her to live, find a place where she doesn't have to worry about the dead finding her. Maggie, my big older sister was stronger than me, she was braver and she knew what she wanted. I still don't know what I wanted to be, but I knew that I didn't want to be a coward. I wondered if I could ever be like my my sister, become stronger than her. I always knew she was better than I was and I hated that.

From now on I'm going to be strong, I'm not going to be afraid.

Author note:

I wanted to thank those who have liked this story so far and have continued to read it!! Also writing daryl's dialogue is really hard so pls bare with the daryl I'm trying to write even if he may not be 100% the same i'm doing my best!!!

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