cold road

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RICK WAS a leader, one we needed from the start

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RICK WAS a leader, one we needed from the start. He knew how to keep us alive, even if alive was just breathing. We didn't have much food, more warmth during the colder months.

I needed to be strong, for my dad and for Beth. I wanted to be like Maggie, I wanted to be brave and confident like her, I had to be in order to survive. I knew I also had to be a protector for Beth, she needed a sister willing to protect her, save her. My dad has already taught me how to shoot a shotgun so I stuck with that weapon, but Rick decided to teach me how to use the other guns we had. I became marksmen fast, knowing how to shoot each gun with almost pinpoint accuracy. He was surprised and happy and had me run point with Carl.

Carl and I were close, he was like a little brother to me and I could see he had eyes for Beth but she was a little too old for him. He held anger towards, Rick and Lori. I couldn't blame him so I did my best to stick by his side to keep him company and let him know he wasn't alone. We talked about old Comics we used to read and books we enjoyed, but that was mostly me talking. I told him about the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, A Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy, and The Great Gatsby, all great works of literature. I had lost my copies when we left the farm, but I had hoped I would find those books again while scavenging.

While open the road, getting to know more of the group I got closer to Carol, who for whatever reason took me under her wing. She saw herself in me, i think. I remember when she was looking for her daughter and how broken she was when we had founder her as a walker.

"I'm sorry..." I told her one day while we were walking along to rad trying to outrun a pack of walkers.

"About what"

"Sophia," I told her. Her face fell for a moment only for her to turn to me with a motherly look on her face.

"That was not your fault, it was mine for not...being a better mother and teaching her about this new world"

"I didn't know anything about the world until your group came," I told her, trying to reason that It wasn't her fault.

"And now you're one of the best shots we have, alongside me," she said bumping my shoulder. I knew from that day on that she had forgiven my family for having Sophia in our barn. I knew if we ever found any kids like Carl out there that Carol would teach them about the world instead of sheltering them. I knew she would trust that I would help her, and I would. Carol taught me how to act like you are strong even if you aren't and to use my wits. It was a learning curve, but she told me I had to adapt quickly.

For a while, the group noted the safest place we had was our farm, and it showed. After countless times trying to stay in one place and failing, having to hurry out before the herd came across us, that was until Daryl, Rick, and I stumbled upon a prison.

"You think we will find anywhere like our farm?" I asked Rick as we wandered for water, he wanted me to be a point in case he or Daryl couldn't get their knives out fast.

"I hope so, don't know how much more wondering this group can do before we fall apart" Rick responded, and that was when we stumbled upon the prison.

"I'm not into the bible like my father but I think God herds us," I said.

Once we raided the prison, with Carol and I up in the guard tower with the snipers, we settled down in the courtyard for some safety and some food. After that, the hardships began. My father lost his leg, Lori died giving birth to Judith and T-Dog died saving me and Carol from a horde of walkers when the Prison was overrun the first time. Maggie was gone, taken by someone and I was worried about her, about what id find of her. I remember the look on Daryl's face when he saw us again, it was like he found the sun again after so long.

"I thought id lost you," He said, directing it towards me, and is smiled up at him.

"Can't get rid of me" I joked. He smiled knowing I wouldn't give in to death just yet, I had a sister and a family now to look after.

"You're like the sun Nora.." he paused, "I can't lose that...can't lose ya" In his own way it was a declaration, of love may be, protection most likely. I didn't care, he wanted me alive and okay, and for a while that was enough for my heart to flutter.

For a while, we were fine inside the prison walls, safe. We had a new addition to the group Michonne, she was a warrior and even showed me how to use her sword. She was welcomed by me, who convinced Rick to let her join. She showed us this place called Woodbury where a delusional man lived and who took Maggie and Greene. I insisted on going, in order to save my sister and to watch Michonne. The whole plan fell apart when we were escaping, I was helping Maggie lift Greene and the men from Woodbury shot us up. Once we made it to the car Daryl showed up with his brother, who Rick insisted was not welcome back here. I was angry at him for leaving, when we needed him.

Not too long after did the governor show up and tried to destroy our home and killed his own people after. We pushed through and we asked the people of Woodbury to join us at the prison. It was nice and I met someone who would become my best friend through thick and thin. 

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