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(Around 2011, Nora turned 21, Maggie is 23, Beth is 16)

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(Around 2011, Nora turned 21, Maggie is 23, Beth is 16)

FOR A WHILE everything was fine. The lessons with the kids were going well, even though Carl disagreed with us.
"What you're doing is wrong Nora" Carl argued after he had found out what 'reading time' really was for the kids. I stopped in my tracks and turned on my heels. My boots made a thump as I turned to face the young boy. He was staring up at me now, I supposed I turned so fast on him.
"Carl! I'm trying to keep them alive so they have a fighting chance if...this place fails" I told him, looking into the kid's eyes I saw my sister looking back. I pulled him in close, ever since Lori died he'd closed himself off and he needed to know I was here for him, always. He hugged back and I heard the faint sound of sniffles. "I know Rick, your dad, hasn't been all that present but know I'm here okay." He nodded into my shirt.

I usually wore simple outfits, like a red tank I had stolen on a supply run, along with my jeans and old cowboy boots. Most days it was tank tops and an old flannel around my waist. Daryl had left one of his old flannels in my cell after he'd stayed for a while and I knew he liked when I wore it out. Some of the other guys in the prison didn't take lightly my and Daryl's relationship. Some insist that I'd be better off with them, only for my knight in a bikers jacket to come and scare them off. Carol thought him doing all the heroic acts was cute, I just said he liked to remind me how important I am to him. Daryl and I haven't talked about what we were but as far as I or Carol were concerned this was a fully formed relationship.

Sasha and I had a routine. We would go out scouting missions or just pop out to see if we could find anything in the town a few miles out. We had pretty much scavenged the whole area but going back was like a breath of fresh air after being cooped up in the Prison. I was still working out my skills with the knife and I wished I had a sword or even a bigger knife. The one I had used by my fathers but ever since he lost his leg he gave it to me to have.

I worked alongside him and another doctor at the prison most days to give another hand to those who need it. I was well equipped in the field having been taught by my father and was able to handle most things that came my way. Most of the time Daryl just showed up and showed me something he needed to be taken care of, he had gotten a lot better at telling me things when he needed to. I was happy about that because he knew I would always listen to him and will always do my best to help him in any way.

- - -

Things at the prison didn't start to get worrisome until a sickness spread. It didn't take but a couple of days after the sickness got around that I knew I had it. I could feel my lungs stuff along and the coughing that was brought on. I remember the look Daryl had on his face when he ran up to the door, trying to get in to get me out. I had to yell at him to stay back.

"I can't......" he struggled to talk when we meet at the holding area. The panel of glass was the only thing separating us. I walked up and put my hand on the glass and he did as well. "Nora I can see you.....not after my brother"
"I know and" I coughed before I could continue, "I know you'll save us, me from this I have faith in you Daryl Dixon"
"Ya shouldn't"
"I should, you're my hero," I told him.

Things got worse from there and all I wanted was to see Daryl again, just to be okay again. Sasha and I tried to play cards to keep us awake and present. Glenn joined our games once or twice. When Lizzy was brought in I promised Carol I would look after her, Mika was extra worried about her big sis.
"Hey it will all be okay," I told them, "Soon we will be playing kickball in the yard again" They smiled at that, remembering the time O found a ball and decided to introduce a game of Kickball.

My father was the one that told me Carol was gone.
"I'm sorry, Nora. I know she treated you like family" My father was kind, he knew that Carol had taken me under her wing. He was grateful for it.
"She's gone, do you know why? Did she.." My voice was quiet when I spoke.
"No, I don't. Rick gave a short reason but I think there's more to it"
"He didn't let her say goodbye," I asked.
"Rick thought he was doing what is right"
"I know, I trust him...Just it's Carol, she's"
"I know Nora," My father said. She was my family, and she wouldn't have left without saying goodbye.  It stung to know she was gone, someone who had become so close to me so fast and who I cherished

Soon the pain and the way my body felt were unbearable. When my father came into the ward I felt like kneeling over and praying for him not to die. He only laughed at me.
"I'm serious I may just have to start" I huffed out at him.
"Hunny, for as long as you've been able to talk you always refused to believe in God," He told me, "And I wasn't going to stop you from how you were thinking"
"Why? You took everyone else but me to church, you..."Another coughing fit hit. "Maggie hated you for it" I continued.
"I know she did, but I knew you hated church more and I couldn't force you to go, "He said letting my head fall onto his shoulder.
"I love you dad"
"I love you too my Nora"

I was in and out of it for the rest of the time and Glen had to be the one to kill a walker before it snacked on me. It was bad, my lungs filled with blood and they had to help keep me breathing. I woke up three days later, feeling like I had been brought back to life. Daryl sat in my cell clutching my hand as his head rested on my bed. I scared him I realized, I must have been severely sick. I realized at that moment, looking at the man in front of me waiting for me to come back to him that I would never, roll over and die without Fighting till my last breath. I needed to be stronger.


The sound of an explosion racked my head. I wasn't too far inside the prison when the Prison was attacked. I ran outside to see Beth running over to me and pulling me to the gate. I stood next to Daryl whose hand found mine in no time. I squeezed it as I saw my father sitting by the Governor along with Michonne. Carl passed out the guns, knowing soon enough there would be a fight. I got one of the snipers and put an automatic on my back. I had my Glock in its holster on my thigh and my knife on my belt. I was sweating within moments of seeing the situation. I knew it was over for my father when I saw the Governor put the sword to his head- I knew it. When it happened I couldn't look away I just stood there, dropped Daryl's hand and picked up my gun, and fired for the Governor's head.

I started the attack, and it must have surprised Daryl a little because it took him a while before he started to shoot out the others. During the chaos, I lost track of everyone. I saw the bus leave and with the people charging the place I ran after it and then dashed into the woods. I didn't want to be found by them and I tried to kill some of the people but with the destruction of the prison, I was more worried about not getting shot.

I was turned around. I didn't know what way to go back to the Prison or even if I could. I was alone, not knowing how far I ran from the Prison or even if anyone lived. For a while, I sat under the trees wishing I had not run so far from my family.

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