demons in the dark

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*WARNING* Language, Graphic Warning: Death, Blood

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*WARNING* Language, Graphic Warning: Death, Blood

"We pissin' our pants yet?" A gruff voice said from the dark. "Boy... Do I have a feeling we're getting close. Gonna be pee pee pants city here real soon. Which one of you pricks is the leader?" A man in a leather coat exited the dark, from the door of the RV. Clearly in there to look at supplies and get an inside look into the lives of their people.

Nora sat beside Abraham and Maggie. The tough ginger looked hard towards the man in front of him, while Nora gave her focus to her sister who was leaning on her from the pain. Nora gave her sister the ability to lean on her a pity response from the younger Greene sister. Some of the saviors noticed and forced her off of Nora. Nora didn't fight, was too scared to put up a fight, and didn't want to risk anyone because of her fire.

One of the men pointed towards Rick, gesturing to the leader of the group. Negan started his speech again, focusing on talking to Rick, and then he brought out the others when Nora saw the man she loved thrown down onto the gravel she wanted to yell out to him, but the fear overtook her and she didn't say a thing. Daryl didn't either, the silence over took the two a silence, "I love you" passed between the two. Negan stood in front of the group, a look of accomplishment went through his face and a small smile came on it.

"You work for me now... You have shit you give it to me that's your job. Now I know that is a mighty big nasty pill to swallow but swallow it you most certainly motherfucking will. You ruled the roost. You.. built something. You thought you were safe. I get it. But the word is out. You are not safe not even fucking close. You are fucked. More fucked if you don't give me what I want & what I want is half your shit & if that's too much. You can go make, find or steal more... & it'll even out sooner or later. This is your life now... The more you fight back the harder it will be. So. If someone comes to your door YOU FUCKING LET US IN WE OWN THAT FUCKING DOOR! You try to fucking stop us... & we will not that fucker down. You understand. What no answer. You don't think that you were gonna get through this without being punished now did you."

Nora looked up at the man, scared, she felt scared. For one of the first times in her life since she was alone, she felt scared but she put on her mask to prevent anyone from reading her. Negan walked the line, swinging his bat at every person, readying his luck to swing at one of the men. Negan had ideals and one of them was the survival of women and with that means not killing, no hurting no raping, that was a backbone rule he would never brake.

"Anybody moves anybody says anything cut the boys another eye out & feeds it to his father & then we'll start. You can breathe. You can blink. You can cry. Hell, you all gonna be doing that."

Nora blinked and when she did, she saw Abrahams's head bashed and blood flew to her, sticking to her clothes, skin, and hair. She looked over at her friend who only smiled at her, Rosita a wink, and his lover Sasha a peace sign. Nora looked at her best friend down the line, tears and cries coming from her. She watched as he continued to do so, beating someone in her family senselessly till his head was no longer recognizable. Nora for once in her life didn't hold her tongue when she knew she should.

"You, are an asshole," She said, looking up at the man who walked in front of Rosita with his bloody bat. Negan stopped, "You find us, you put us on our knees, you kill my friend and now you're waving his skin in my family's faces, you are sick" Negan's face turned into a grin, and he gestured for his men to stand her up. She didn't know what was going to happen but if she died that night she hoped it would at least spark a fight in her daily against this man.

"Who do we have here?" He asked, Nora, gulped.

"Nora Greene" She muttered, Negan nodded and swung his bat next to her face, the blood already in her hair, darkened from the blood that splashed from his bat.

"Nora, pretty name for a pretty face..."He stood there smiling as she looked dead into his eyes, no flesh coming from her. That is when Daryl decided to jump the man and punch him. She fell back onto the floor, blood falling from her forehead after getting naked by the bat after Daryl punched Negan. Then the flash of a bat hitting Glenn brought her back to reality and she watched as her sister's husband, her brother-in-law died right in front of her.

Negan continued his lesson, taking Carl by the arm and almost forcing Rick to cut it off. Everyone had had enough, Nora certainly was at a momentary loss for words. When Carl was about to be threatened she tried to fight the men behind her. He was young and innocent and her family was.

"Please, please" she could hear the Beggs from Rick as he was ordered to chop his arm off. Nora watched in horror in the arms of the saviors as to what was going to happen. When nothing did a sign came from everyone and a shrill cry from Nora when she realized who was being pushed in.

"Wait, wait!" she yelled clambering to get up to see him, Negan stopped and noticed the two. Nora was held back by two men along with Daryl, and both fought to try and see each other. Daryl was struggling to get something out of his pocket. Negan noticed the glint of the ring before Nora did. Negan told his men to let him go and the ring was tossed into the air and palm. Nora stood there, astonished by the simple ring in her hand, she didn't even realize the sun had come up before Rick had come over to her.

"What did he...oh...Nora" did 't respond, she just looked at it. After she had finished crying, Maggie looked over at her sister to see the look on her face.

"You should.."

"I can't," Nora said, "he didn't even properly ask"

"He was, he planned to," Rick told her. Nora's glossy eyes met with Rick, who cautiously leaned down and took the rung from her hand. He looked over at Rosita who sat close to them. He gestured to her, asking if she had a rope or a string on hand. Rosita ran her hands through her pockets until she came across a piece of twine and handed it to the man. He cautiously wrapped it around Nora's head, sliding the rithroughght it and letting it hand as he noted the back.

"Let this be enough," he told her, "When we get him back make him ask you, properly"

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