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Gandalf helped me to my room were he closed all doors and windows, before speaking some words that turned the walls to a slight glow.


"It was poison and this... I am not sure who they are as I heard two voices as I rested here one day and saw something weird one day. But I am unsure as I don't know the people here. If I only knew who the victim was, but I believe it has something with me to do."


"Yes, there was one who knew I were water healer before the notification and I hadn't seen him before. There was something with the way he talked that put me of also. Like if I were speaking to human... Ok, that sounds stupid..."

"Not at all, all clues are good clues."

"There was something with the way he said lady... Like if it was full of greed, as he knew something that shouldn't be known. "

"I will check it out, rest for now. "

"Yes. I wish you a good evening then"

He didn't reply, just nodded before walking out the door. Closing it carefully behind himself, like if a noise would wake up a sleeping dragon.  Last I saw a slight smile, he most gotten at something.

I let my head rest, this world was messing with me. Maybe after this ordeal I could ask him to change my look again, because living without meat wasn't something I would easily agree on. Maybe some of the short guys or the first form. It felt like something I could be free in, at least more open then this elvish form I had taken on me.

Closing my eyes, trying to relax, I remember something. A smell, it was so different than anything I had smelled to now. It was like warm sentence of flowers, but it had been so much more intense than all others.

Opening my eyes, I needed to tell this. This may be something they needed to know, because it was just once I had smelled it.

Getting out of the bed, I hurried out the door and the last way I had felt Gandalf walking away. The guards just looked at me, I replied i need to see Gandalf and they had to tell people I were resting so they couldn't follow me. Looking over them, yes, it wasn't any of them.

"May I ask for who was last to join the guards?"

"I am sorry my lady, that you most as the lord to have information about."

"Weary well." Before leaving, they didn't follow so I went over to a light wind sprint to try to catch up with Gandalf. He couldn't be far from me by now.

As sprinted down the corridor, took a corner by the guest darf room, two hands dragged me into a room and hushed me down. Leaving a slight opening in the door to let the conversation slip into the room mors easily.

I looked over to the person that had brought me in before I finally could hear the voice outside. The smell were there once again, for sure, it even was the same voices as before, no , there was one more. This new one was more angry then the rest, something hadn't gone as planned.

"He was to close.." not using the wind to be sure no one would detected me... No us.

"This was to close...*

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