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I stopped dead in my track.


"Elderon wish to speak to you."
I couldn't believe it, maybe pure luck once in a while. Not that I knew who this Elderon was, but by the way he spoke, could that bee he was higher up person.

"Thank you, I will just go to great Gandalf and then go to Elderon."

"I think Elderon is there to meet him to, just speak to him there."

My guide and I walked then away from them and to an open place were I saw Gandalˋs wagon .

"Good to see you, Mithrandir. "
We came from behind, but Gandalf saw me.

"Good to see you to, old friend. Ahh, Leena, good to see you."
All eyes were now at me, so he had found now a new name to me. This will be hard not to confuse everything.

"Good to see you to." I made a deep bow to make it look more like these elves. Not that I had any idea how they did it, was pure guess .

"So you know about her, the water healer?" Elderon made a guest to follow him, as the two of us did.

"Yes, we meet some time ago." He said, giving out a slight grim.

"Then you know about the other part to?"

"Other part?"

"How she is able to sprint so fast? Well, miss Leena, more than one guard reported it to me.."

They were looking at me, "Fine, but only if we are alone..."

The rest of the walk was about his travel to Rivendell and his newest stories from his journeys.

We walked into a marmot building, up a few stairs, then in a door were he order everyone out. Gandalf then said some spell to make it impossible to spy at us in any way.

Not that I didn't trust them, but I used some of mine own skill to find the closest people.

"You wouldn't. believe me..." they looked at me challenging.

"I am a bender, I can bend air, water, fire and earth to my comand . There is no chanting, nothing that I would call magic and I guess I am still a child." that last part did I add as I remember my first meeting with someone else.

I let my hands in a slow motion to make a air ball in my hands, an easy task to say it.

Elderon looked suprised at me as Gandalf just smiled and started to smoke.

My hands let the ball go as I let play easy with the smoke.

"Then you are a Vala?"

"No but please don't tell anyone about the rest. I wish to remain being a water healer.... for now."

"But you know words will spread..."

"Then you will change me again?" I looked over at Gandalf who nodded slightly .

"Change you again?"

"Yes, I have darfs and some other elves after me." blushing a little.

"Hunted in other words .... I can understand. by the way you describe your gifts, I can understand . You can stay for as long as you wish ."

Then nick on the door, Gandalf letting the spell faid as an elven guard came in. Elderon gave a nod that he could speak even in our present.

"A messagar from darwen and the wood elves have arrived . They are looking for someone. Wondering about if you have any news."

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