Chapter XVII

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"So, what's on your bucket list?"

Weiss and Sonic had been talking to one another ever since they had started driving that morning. It had been a nice way to get their minds off of the true danger they were in, and after everything that had happened the previous night, it was enjoyable for both.

Then Sonic had asked the question.

Weiss had been more curious about Sonic and his life. After all, it wasn't often you get to meet, talk to, and learn about a speedy, anthropomorphic blue hedgehog. Plus, it was just fun for her to hear him talk, and to talk to him.

But now he was asking about her. She didn't think she had much to say, and she'd rather listen to what he had to say.

"Me?" she said.

"Yeah," Sonic nodded. "Everyone has a bucket list, right?"

"Well, I'm not leaving Remnant," Weiss said. "And I'm also not planning on dying anytime soon."

Sonic chuckled. "Don't be so sure. Your best friend is a magnet for danger."

"You're claiming yourself to be my 'best friend'?" Weiss said.

Sonic nodded.

"That's a little presumptuous," she said.

She looked at Sonic for a moment, and saw an offended look.

"Look," she said, "I like you, but we're not best friends."

"You confessed your deepest, darkest secrets to me," Sonic said.

"You did first."

"You tucked me in last night."

Weiss had no response to that.

"Fine, fine," Sonic said. "Best animal friend."

"Zwei," Weiss retorted, referring to Ruby's pet Corgi.

"Okay," Sonic grumbled, "let's drop this increasingly humiliating topic of conversation. Bucket list! Give it to me!"

Weiss sighed. For a minute she'd thought she'd dropped the topic of her bucket list. But, she supposed it was better than offending Sonic any further.

"Okay," she said, "I'm sure you're aware of this, but my father . . . isn't exactly the most noble human. He's been turning my family name into something it isn't. He's tarnishing our reputation. So I want a chance to fix that. I am currently the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, but when I grow up and take on my father's position, I'm going to take the company into a much better direction, and I'm going to save my family's reputation as a Huntress."

She waited for Sonic to reply. But she didn't hear anything from him. She turned to the passenger's seat, and she saw him lost in thought. He looked as if he was ashamed of something.

"Is everything alright?" Weiss asked.

"I . . . I ruined that for you, didn't I?" Sonic said.

"What do you mean?" Weiss asked.

"I mean I came into your life," Sonic continued, "I turned you into a fugitive. How are you going to take your father's place now?"

Weiss sighed. "I'll be fine, Sonic. If anything, you just gave me more time with my friends."

"'More time'?" Sonic repeated. "What are you talking about?"

Weiss tensed as she remembered the call with her father a few days ago. She didn't want to talk about this. But, somehow, she trusted Sonic. He asked, she might as well answer.

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